Chapter Two

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Joon's mom was eighteen when she saw colours for the first time. It had happened when she was waiting for the bus to start making its trip to the city, where she would be studying for the next four years. Once the last few passengers got in, the bus jerked forward. She tore her gaze away from her book to look outside the window. Even when it was black and white, she found it beautiful. The vast stretch of grasslands followed by the distant mountains left her warm. Just as she spotted the sun rise, she felt someone slide in the seat next to her. She turned to look at her neighbour when she found herself staring at an almond-shaped pair of eyes. There was an odd twinkle in them. She gave a polite nod to the stranger next to her before returning to admire the view. Except this time, it wasn't two-toned.

Joon had heard this story many times. Maybe that's why he was riled up when he made his way to the city. He was eighteen now, an age where it's considered fairly normal to meet your soulmate. All he had to do was wait; something he had been doing since he was nine. He pretty much considered himself a saint at this point.

It would be worth it though, he thought. Afterall, it was for his soulmate. A person he would be spending the rest of his life with. A person who will fill his life with colours. Not figuratively of course, but literally.

Joon spent his college years participating in as many events as he could. He didn't want to miss out any on occasion that could possibly lead him to that big moment. While majoring in Business Studies didn't leave him with much free time, he compromised sleep for studies and spent most of his day preparing for whatever event he decided to be a part of.

By the time his final year rolled up, he was twenty-two and still without his partner. It's alright, he thought to himself daily. He shifted his focus to studying, which was easier said than done because his exams were right around the corner. After graduation, all his attention went to securing a decent job and later, a decent apartment. He did not spend his nights wondering what kind of a person his soulmate would be. He definitely did not spend his nights feeling emptier on the inside. He was okay.

So, at the age of twenty-two, when most of his friends were settling in with their partners, starting a new chapter together, Joon stayed alone in his apartment looking for the next distraction.

Twenty-five years old, and he couldn't care less about this soulmate. He was okay and why shouldn't he be. He had just been promoted. He deserved it. He had worked harder than anyone else in his department. Had never missed a deadline. Had fallen asleep more on his desk than his own bed. He needed this promotion. He was convinced it was going to make him happy. And it did, at least for the first thirty minutes.

He stood outside his apartment later that night, head spinning from all the alcohol he had consumed earlier with his colleagues. He fumbled with his key a little before entering the silence of his apartment. Closing the door behind him, he sat down,

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