•Chapter 26:"Face Your Fears Pt.3: be STrong ANd LEt Yourself go"•

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Stanley Uris heard a faint whisper of his name echoing behind him, he wonders why can he be hearing his name being called behind him yet he was the only one who is at the very back of the group of what they all called 'Losers Club'.

'who could that be?'

Out of curiosity the anxious boy look behind him to see whose voice is calling him, the light of the flashlight that he was grasping tightly turn along with the turning of his body.

The gleaming of his flashlight came towards a tunnel that lead to a long horizontal way of sewer water as Stanley assumed because of the reflection of light that hit the water and created a shadow on a wall.

He stared at the tunnel for a glint of seconds and an echo of his own voice spoke.

"Beverly? I-Is that you?" His voice stuttered, his hands were sweating and can hear the utter of nervous tone that escaped his quivering lips.

Then Stanley jumped out of fear as he saw the familiar head popped behind the right of the tunnel, it's eyes catch a glance of his panicked face and it grins of joy as it smells the boy's fear a meter away from it's grasp.

After that the clown hid yet again on the sight of Stanley's as he turn around as he thought that he will saw his idiotic group of friends and just blurt out that they should have gone to a different direction or just tell them that it was a crazy idea to come back.

He's been thinking that this whole thing is stupid and he is telling himself that this whole thing was just on his head that after he woke up into this, it's just a nightmare and he will just came back to reality right this very moment and everything will be over.

But no, this was real everything is, yet he cope his beliefs and fears by not believing it. Especially the sight of the figure had scarred through his mind and he didn't realized that his hands are starting to tremble.

Because as soon as he turned from where he was at just a minute ago, everyone and the place that he was at, is gone. Yet replaced with a dead silence on a dark room where at the center was a pipe with rushing water coming down to a concrete well-like hole.


The boy didn't know what to do, but to yet again panic. This isn't what he was expecting to happen. His heart beats faster than ever, his breathing is unstable as he smells the rust and the smell of the grey water -as Eddie would call it- the sweat on his forehead dripping and into his red polo shirt tucked in to his trousers.

At this point, fear just took over unto his body as he kept pointing the illumination of his flashlight towards certain parts of the room as he swirls his body around thinking he was just lost and that the Losers are going to find him and hear there voices calling out to him, that they will told them that everything will be 'ok'.

He waited and kept yelling yet the echoes of his voice is the only thing that he heard.


The hope and colors on his face drained when no one came to him, worried and kept thinking a lot of 'what if's' into his head.

What if they already left?

What if they didn't remember about me?

Did they forget me?

These thoughts and doubts about him kept questioning through his mind. 'But how could they?'. He mumbles to himself which he does awfully often at this point. The silence and the constant echoes of creaking scrap metal just made him very on edge and scared.

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