Chapter VII

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Sorry for the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

Their professor had let them inside the cabin even though they didn't know what had happened. Soobin looked utterly angry but they only looked at Hansol who was drenched in water and shaking.

"What happened?" The professor asks but Soobin leads Hansol to the all bathroom and tells San to bring his back.

"Soobin, what happened?" The professor asks and the alpha turns at him.

"You'll know soon, just let e get Hansol changed." Soobin says and the professor nods, worried.

San comes back with Hansol's bag and Soobin takes out the needed things and goes inside the bathroom.

"Here, come on. Change into these." Soobin says.

"I will---you go." Hansol says, taking his clothes from Soobin who keeps standing there.

"If you need any help---".

"I haven't forgotten how to change my clothes, Soobin. Go." Hansol says, not looking at Soobin.

"Okay." Soobin whispers and walks out of the bathroom.

"Soobin, Jihoon is outside. He's saying Mia won't come with him here." San says and Soobin gritts his teeth.

"What did Mia do?" The professor asks. The alpha stays quiet for a while.

"Will any of you tell me what's going on?" Mr. Nam asks. Hansol walks out after that and Soobin is quickly by his side.

"Hey, come sit here." Soobin guides him to the bed and Hansol hates how he has to be so weak right now. It was just water, he's not scared of it but he doesn't know why he feels like this right now.

Hansol sits on the bed, Soobin next to him and the alpha leans forward to whisper in his ear.

"Are you okay to tell us what happened? I want to hear it from you." Soobin says and Hansol thinks as if some crime has happened.

"I slipped." Hansol says, looks at the professor and Soobin sighs.

"I was talking with Mia and I slipped, that's all." Hansol says.

And Soobin has had enough.

"San, tell professor Nam what happened." Soobin says to San who looks hesitantly as Hansol, the omega looking down.

"Mia was very angry when she came to us and she started accusing Hansol, yelling that he needs to stay away from Soobin or she'll do something and it was definitely a threat." San explains.

"She kept stepping forward and Hansol kept stepping back. She must know there's no space left behind but---". San stops when Hansol looks at him pleading, for him to stop.

"San, call miss Mia here, tell her professor Nam would like to talk to her." Mr. Nam says but Soobin gets up.

"I'd call her myself." Soobin says, walking past San and out of the cabin before Hansol could stop him.

"San, stop him!" Hansol exclaims and San nods but he won't stop Soobin. He runs after him though.

Soobin finds Jihoon outside who was nervously biting on his nails and notices the alpha who was storming towards the tents.

"Soobin, I told her to come to the cabin but she said she won't before I tell her what's wrong." Jihoon says, following Soobin and San joins him too.

"Soobin, I know you're angry but just let professor Nam handle this. Don't say anything else and just tell her to go the cabin." San says but Soobin doesn't stop.

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