Chapter XXVIII

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Ignore the mistakes plz :) boring

Third Person POV

Soobin wakes up to the sound of his phone ringing. He groans a little at the annoying sound of ringtone. It stops and Soobin sighs in relief. The two of them slept late at night and waking up to an annoying sound was really not a nice experience so early.

Then he turns, eyes falling on Hansol and he smiles widely, watching his mate sleeping in his arms, nuzzling his neck, their legs tangled under the sheets. The alpha has his arm around his omega's naked waist, hand resting on the soft skin which he now caresses gently.

He was so happy to see Hansol acting his usual jolly self last night when they were stargazing, cuddled on the swing chair. The whole day he was sad but last night, he could see the difference. It made him utterly happy to see his mate smiling and giggling.

Soobin was scared that Hansol might not want to be close to him when he locked himself in the room but his heart was relieved when it didn't happen. Hansol needed him and he needed Hansol, will always do because he's bonded to him for life.

Hansol cried too when Soobin was kissing him ever so gently under the sheets, said he was too overwhelmed right now because Soobin takes such good care of him and he's always crying, must be annoying him...

And Soobin had only said that it's not true and made him believe by loving him...ever so gently, letting it seep through every fiber of his body, making him cry in pleasure and telling him how much he loves him.

The phone rings again and jolts Soobin out of his thoughts and he groans again. Hansol squirms as well because of the sound. When the alpha holds the phone, he curses because it's Jeongguk calling him and it's not early in the fucking morning as he had thought.

"Hello." Soobin says, gently running his hand on Hansol's back as the omega nuzzles more for warmth.

"Soobin, hey. How are you and Hansol. Called you many times but you two seem way tired?" Jeongguk says and Soobin awkwardly chuckles.

"I'm okay and so is Hansol and yeah we were sleeping right now. Didn't have the track of time." Soobin says. "Everything okay though? How's uncle Tae?"

"He's okay and quite better. Still can't feel Hansol's emotions and he uh...he wants to talk to him. We were thinking of coming to your place." Jeongguk says and Soobin glances at his mate for a moment.

"Hansol was way better last night. He doesn't know maybe he accidentally shut himself from uncle Tae. And you can come here any time you want uncle." Soobin says.

"It's good to hear that he's feeling better. And I want you to tell Hansol if he's okay with talking then we'll come." Jeongguk says.

"Yeah, okay. I'll let you know." Soobin says.

"Okay and thanks for taking care of him." Jeongguk says.

"He's my mate. I'd do anything for him." Soobin says.

"I'm glad you are." Jeongguk utters. The call ends and Soobin sighs deeply.

"Lay back down." Hansol mumbles and Soobin smiles at him. The omega was now awake and looking at his alpha with lazy eyes.

"Slept good?" Soobin asks as he gets comfortable again, pulls Hansol closer. Hansol scoffs playfully at that.

"Yeah, had a very spectacular night." Hansol says and Soobin raises his eyebrow.

"I asked if you slept fine but okay---got the answer for another question as well." Soobin smirks and Hansol playfully rolls his eyes at him.

"You're too full of yourself." Hansol says.

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