Chapter XXVII

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Ignore the mistakes plz :) boring

Third Person POV

Soobin had taken Hansol back to their home after his breakdown in his parent's home. The omega ran inside their room and has locked himself there ever since.

Soobin got a call from Jeongguk who asked how Hansol is and the younger alpha told him all that had happened which was the omega locking himself up in the room and not letting him in after hours.

"Hansol, I know you're not sleeping so just---please open the door." Soobin tries again but hears only sniffles. He can feel his pain, the anxiety and stress, fear.

"Your dada called, they're worried." Soobin tells him and it makes Hansol cry more.

"I'm worried, baby. Please talk to me. If you want to cry, let me there for you atleast. I won't stop you just let me hold you when you cry at least." Soobin says.

He's always believed that when a person has to cry, letting out their pain in tears, we should let them. We shouldn't stop them from crying but be their shoulder to cry on. Crying makes you feel a bit light, removes some burden.

While keeping your pain in and being numb leads to a mess so it's okay to cry.

"Will you stay away from me too?" Soobin's voice was weak. He sighs and rests his forehead against the door.

"Hansol." Soobin whispers and after a moment, he hears shuffling and a little smile makes it's way on his lips as the door opens.

He isn't given a chance to even see Hansol's face when his body comes crashing onto him, the omega's arms around his alpha's neck and he's hugging him tightly.

Soobin catches him, holds him tightly and nuzzles his hair as he hears his mate's sobs rocking his body.

"I'm sorry." Hansol sobs and Soobin shakes his head.

"Don't be. You're okay, baby. It's going to be okay. I'm right here." Soobin whispers, assuring the omega.

The two stay in eachother's embrace, Soobin's scent calms Hansol magically and it's not like he wasn't dying to be held by him like this, he was---but he was also embarrassed and he didn't even know if he could look at himself in the mirror, his own eyes would be disappointed in him.

Soobin takes Hansol towards the couch after picking him up, hoping the other would eat something but he refuses immediately.

"Hansol, please eat something. It's been hours and you were crying in there. Drink some water atleast." Soobin says but Hansol shakes his head again.

Hansol only leans against Soobin's chest, wanting nothing more but be in warmth of his lover, surrounded by his scent because he's the only one keeping him sane in the mess he created for himself.

"I hate myself right now." Hansol whispers, his eyes are red and puffy, fresh tears in them.

"Hey, no baby. Look at me." Soobin whispers, cups his face to make him look at him.

"Don't ever say that." Soobin utters.

"Why not? Everyone will hate me now. I have hurt my parents and I wouldn't be surprised if you will hate---".

"I love you, Hansol and you know that. Please stop talking like this about yourself." Soobin practically begs his mate and Hansol bursts into cries again.

"I shouldn't have asked anything! So what if they hid it? It doesn't matter anymore but I---I brought it up again and opened those wounds---". Hansol hiccups.

Pitter-Patter |Hansol x Soobin| yeonbin Where stories live. Discover now