Chapter Ten.

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"Follow my lead Y/N." You were now at the station with Harley and at this very moment, you were executing your escape plan.

With both of you being disguised, you went up to the front desk, standing next to Harley. She rang the small bell on the desk. An officer looked up at her, peering over his glasses. "Can I help you?" "Why yes, yes you can. I'm here to report a terrible crime." "And what terrible crime is that?" "This one." Both of you swung your jackets open to reveal canisters of glitter and bean bag bb guns. There's no need to be killing machines here! All you needed was something to protect the two of you while you escape, ideally with style. This? This was perfect.

Harley shot first. The bean bag split the officers glasses in two as he went flying backwards. You admired Harley's work. "Good shot!" She nodded. "Yeah, thank you! Not too shabby. Let's hit it." With that, the two of you stripped off your disguises and and were left in your street clothes.

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