Chapter Twenty.

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Before you knew it, you guys were at an abandoned carnival of sorts and making your way inside of a fun house. In all honesty? This wasn't the strangest thing that had ever happened to you, so you just went with it.

As soon as the three of you made it inside, Harley guided Cassandra into the bathroom. You were going to follow them in until Harley stopped you. "You can stay out here Y/N. We'll be back out in a few minutes." You thought that was a little strange, but you didn't question it too much. You nodded in understanding.

As Harley and Cassandra took care of their business, you took the time to walk around your new hideout and relax a little, but it was during moments like this where your mind would run rampid.

You know very well that you're going to break your promise to Cassandra. You started to pace and talk to yourself. "Yeah, what makes you say that?" Don't play stupid with me. You know what I mean. Your dad made that same kind of promise with you and he never-- You were instantly snapped out of your thoughts by a loud knock at the door.

Harley ran out of the bathroom and said, "That was fast." Who the hell could that be? You just thought that Harley had found a new safeplace for you guys, so who would know that you're here?

Harley opened the door and in a matter of seconds, she was on the ground. You met eyes with an officer you had just seen days ago. The name stuck in your head from when Harley told you about everything.

 Renee Montoya. 

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