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Aiden couldn't sleep last night because of his encounter with brown eyed beauty. He knew he is going to fuck up in the client meeting which is supposed to happen today morning. But, losing his sleep for her was worth it.

People at Smith Enterprise were quite confused with their boss's behaviour. Even though tiredness was clearly written all over his face, he was still smiling. It wasn't a rare sight. Although, Aiden is a very friendly boss and is easily approachable too, he gets cranky when he is tired.

Aiden's secretary Ella followed him out of the conference room towards his cabin, where she briefed him about his schedule. He dismissed her and buried his nose in the files he was working on. Even the huge piles of work didn't falter his gorgeous smile.


Saturday is here and Aiden is excited to meet Amara.

I hope she is in there.

Aiden thought and entered the building with a heavily beating heart. The place was quite as usual. He walked to the back as he remembered where she sat that day. The moment his eyes landed on her, his steps faltered and his breathing got erratic.

His little beauty was engrossed in the book and by the way corner of her glossy lips were tugged upwards, Aiden knew she was enjoying what she was reading. Light sun rays were reflecting on her angelic face through window. Slight orange hue on her cheeks and forehead made her look more beautiful. Her hair was tickling her left cheek because of the light breeze. One strand got stuck to her lips, making her frown. Aiden could see her frustration. Her dainty fingers brushed it off and she continued reading again with a smile.

She looked so peaceful that Aiden didn't want to disturb her but, his heart was stubborn.

"Fancy seeing you here again."

A manly voice broke Amara's concentration. She got startled, jumped slightly on her seat and spoke, almost whispered with a hand on her heart.

"What the hell! You scared me Mr. Smith."

Even though she looked cute, Aiden felt bad for scaring her.

"I apologize Amara. I didn't mean to scare you. And please, call me Aiden."

Amara smiled before replying. "It's okay Aiden. Just don't sneak up on me again."

Aiden sat opposite her, though he wanted to sit beside her, but he knew not to invade in her personal space too soon.

Amara was again feeling intimidated, just by his presence. She remembered his last words of meeting again but didn't know it's going to be today. It's not that she minds. She just stayed silent, not knowing how to start the conversation. She didn't want to appear as a fool by saying something stupid.

Aiden could see her playing with her fingers, with eyes still fixed on the table. He wanted her to look at him, so he can admire her beautiful, innocent eyes that kept him awake all night. He knew he had to say something to break the silence before it becomes awkward for them.

"Do you come here often?"

Amara finally raised her eyes and said "Yeah! I come here every weekend. But, I never saw you here before."

"Yes, last weekend was my first visit." He was partially honest.

"Oh!" That's all she could say. She is extremely shy and keeping up with the conversation wasn't something she knows well.

"Are you still reading about Astronomy?"

"Oh my god! You remember?" She almost squealed with happiness. She was surprised that he remembered.

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