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There was chaos in the house, as it was the wedding day. Bride's room was much more relaxed than the Groom's. It was so funny for everyone to see how Xander was getting all fussy over small things. And to make the situation worse, his friends kept on pulling his leg.

Even in between all those silly dramas, people were happy.

Everything was sorted now and finally the time came for taking the vows. Aiden wasn't listening at all. His gaze was fixed on Amara who was going red by every minute, not understanding this new Aiden. Yes, he always stares at her with those loving eyes, compliments her but this? It's going crazy. He is not leaving her side at all after the day party was held. He always had this silly grin in his face, sometimes lost in his own world. And the most confusing thing for her is that, he would come to her often, and ask if she had something to tell him. And her answer would always be no.

Amara do wanted to confess to him. It was hard for her to keep her feelings to herself. But, she was too shy to do so. Noah suggested her to write it down in a letter. She is still debating if she should do that or confess verbally. But, the point here is how does Aiden knows, she has something to say to him? One thing is sure though, she is going to ask what's wrong with him after the wedding.


Amara is fidgeting in her seat, dying to ask him but he is busy working. It has to be done though and that too now. She is curious and can't wait anymore.

"Aiden?" He looked up at her, who was sitting in front of him.

"Yeah." He closed his laptop and gave her his full attention.

"I wanted to ask you something."

"What happened?"

She had her bottom lip in the tight grip of her teeth. Taking a deep breath she asked, "Why were you behaving different in the wedding, you know as in, at first you were distant, ignoring me. And then suddenly in a day you changed. Yo-you were smiling silly all day. And..and you also kept irritating me with the same question again and again. What has happened to you? I don't understand, I thin-"

She stopped when she heard him chuckling.

What's so funny in this?

"Are you laughing at me now?" She leaned forward a bit, with her hands folded under her breasts and narrowed eyes at him.

"No, no Amara. I am not laughing at you. I just remembered something very funny. You wanna know?" He had this amusing smile on his face and she had an idea it's related to her somehow.

She was trying hard, so hard to hide her flushed, embarrassed face from Aiden. And he was enjoying it so much.

Devil. She thought.

The entire ride to her place was fun for him but hell for her.


"Why God Why? Why did I have to drink that day?" Amara cried and glared at her best friend as he was laughing hard, finding her situation too amusing.

"Hey! What did I do? Anyways, it's a good thing, you know. You were already going to confess to him."

"I know. But, this is not how I planned to do. I wasn't conscious then. Oh God! this is so embarrassing. How am I going to face him now?" She groaned and hid her face in her palm.

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