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(Jemillas POV)

TW- talk of rape

After kissing for a while we headed home. We decided that we were going to sleep at my place but as soon as we walked in, I knew we weren't going to be sleeping for a while.

Zazzalil slammed me into the wall and kissed me passionately. I ran my hands through her hair. She wrapped her legs around my waist and I carried her to the kitchen counter.

"Finally, were the same height now" she giggled.

My hand reached up and started pulling her thong down from her legs.

"One thing at a time Milla" she grinned.
"Oh fuck you" I said as I kissed her neck.

I picked her up off the counter and took her to my bedroom. Now we were on the bed, she was on top of me, leaning in and kissing me.

"You're so beautiful Milla" Zazz said between breaths.

She sat on my lap and held my face with her hands.

"Why didn't we meet sooner. My life would have been so much better with you around".
I looked into her eyes. She seemed hurt.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"I don't know"
She rolled over and laid next me.

"Well I've had some shit things happen to me I guess. People who took advantage of me things like that. It all got worse when my father was killed."

I could tell Zazz was upset. Tears were running off of her face as she sobbed.

"I didn't know who I could trust. It also didn't help that I put trust in people who fucked me over."

"Oh Zazz why didn't you tell me about this. I would've been there for you."
"I know you would've, but it's been a long time since it happened there's no point in crying about it now."
"No Zazz that's not how it works. You're allowed to still be sad about it. Just because time has passed doesn't mean you can't mourn."

What I was saying didn't seem to be helping. I had to think of something fast, I didn't like seeing Zazz like this.

"Now I know that maybe not everyone has experienced your type of loss before. I'm lucky I haven't. However i've also had some shit things happen to me. Before I realised I was gay I was dating this guy. I genuinely thought I loved him but he only loved my body. He wanted to have sex all the time but I wanted affection."
I paused as I gathered my thoughts. Was it worth telling Zazz this. I would have to at some point so I said it.
"He raped me."

Now it was my turn to cry. Reliving those memories in my mind brought me back to those times and it hurt so bad.

"I eventually came to my senses and broke things off with him. I went to the police but they told me that since we were dating and he had every right to do what he did."

I felt Zazz put her hand in mine as we stared at the ceiling together.

"I felt so alone. I cut everyone off for months. Once I had realised what I had done I decided I was going to put things right. I moved here, discovered I was gay, I was getting job offers. Everything was going right for the first time. Except for one thing. I didn't have anyone to love. I met Keeri shortly after and she got me a job at Trunkells. And look where that led me."

Zazz turned to her side and looked at me.

"It brought me to you"

Zazz pulled me into a hug. We just stayed there together.

"So don't ever feel alone Zazz. I don't ever want you to feel how I felt back then. I will always be here for you."

"I'll always be here for you Milla."

"We can get through this together."

Together- Jazzalil Where stories live. Discover now