Chapter 13

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"Marriage." We both said at the same time.

"You're joking right?" I managed to say after accessing the man for some time. A small smile appears on his lips.

"Do I look like I'm joking right now, it's the only option for you guys." He said as if it's something small.

"Papa, this is not something to joke about, it's about my reputation I tried to maintain all these years." He said the last part slowly glancing in my direction.

Wait what's with the look.

"I hope it's not what I'm thinking right Marwan?" I turn towards him with a look of curiousness.

"Mind your tongue, it's Mr. Marwan for you." He gritted clenching his jaw. Do I care?

"That is not the answer to my question, I hope you're not blaming me for this, it's equally both our fault. It's not that I expect such thing to happen, and besides who is the one that hired me to work for him knowing very well you're a popular man." It seems like I don't have control of my mouth.

The look he gave me almost made me think maybe this is not the Marwan I know, a look of hurt, anger, and somewhat like hatred.

"You have to think of a way to tackle this problem," I said after keeping mute for a while.

"Me or Us." He corrected.

"Wait Mar... Mr. Marwan what do you want me to do, you're the one with connections you know what to do to stop this thing from spreading more." This time around I sat down while taking a sip from the glass cup I found on the center table.

"Well, it seems like you two have forgotten that I'm here right.?" Marwan's grandfather said after watching the two of us argue.


"Save it, My Child, I know what you're about to say, but the only option is to get married and I will do anything in my power to stop the gossips just think about it, if we tell the media that you got married secretly they won't question but what if they found out that she's just working for you what will the media think," "think about your reputation." He said standing up with his walking stick.

"You have 2 days to think after that I won't listen to anything again." With that, he left together with the guy that opened the door for me.

A pit of uncomfortable silence fell on us. Each one of us with his own thought.


I can't get married now and besides what will my family think of me.

Thinking about my mom's words brought fear down my body.

What will Mom think
Sis Farah too and Aunt too.

Ya Allah what have I gotten myself into.

"Are you crying?" Marwan's voice brought me back from my world of thought. I touched my face feeling the wetness. When did I shed them

"Who is crying here, something got into my eyes." I spitted I don't want to cry in front of him, he will see me as a weak person which am not.

"Why must you shout while talking are you usually like this to people." He said leaning his back on the sofa armrest.

"Look who's talking, you're the one that always talks rudely." I ushered back turning my face to the other side.

"Did your family know about it?" He said all of a sudden.

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