Chapter 16

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My eyes fluttered open to the morning light Illuminating the room. I stretched my arms feeling better, sleeping on the bed feels so good. It's better than mine back home. My stomach made a growling sound. I didn't eat dinner last night. After doing my usual morning routine, i wore a peach floral long sleeve gown and tied my head with a black veil. I applied little powder and a nude lipstick watching my reflection on the mirror.


The living look much better by the sunlight illuminating through the uncovered window. Masha Allah. I find myself saying Marwan really did a good job choosing the couch design, it really took my breath away.

"Good morning sleepy heads." I almost flinch at the source of voice. There stood Marwan dressed in a suit with a plate of Allah knows what in his hands and a mug on the other. Ya Allah he scared me i thought he has left for office already.

"You scared me, how long were you standing there?." I said placing my hand on my racing heart he really scared me.

"Longer than you could expect" so he's staring at me all this while.

"Are you not suppose to be in the office" I thought yesterday he told me he has a lot of work. The corner of his lips twitch a little. I have a feeling that something is wrong with this man.

"What?" i asked seeing no reaction from him.

"Check the time and see, and besides i don't have to go the office, i have my own office here" my eyes roamed around the living room stopping at the magnificent clock placed on the concrete white wall. 12:15pm. My eyes widened in surprise.

Did i sleep this late.

"uh-huh it's okay, you were just tired, you slept so soundly ." taking a bite what i assumed as potatoes. What did he mean by sleeping soundly.

"Did you entered my room last night?" he keep munching on his food completely ignoring me.

"I'm talking to you Mr Marwan. " i took a seat opposite him.

"There is some leftover potatoes in the kitchen you can warm it up and eat and thank me later." he wink at me. The chair made a screech sound and he stood up and wipe his lips with a napkin.

"You didn't answer my question"

"I will be in my office and you already know when I'm working i don't tolerate disturbance. And he left without answering my question. That means he entered my room last night, i forgot to lock the door as i was very tired.


Mr Marwan spent almost half of the day curled up in his office. Sometimes i used to wonder why men are workaholic. My thoughts came to halt when i heard some banging. There stood Amir banging on his Dad's office door.

Ya Allah.

It seems like Amir has gotten stubborn this few days jumping up and down. Just 10minute ago he tried breaking the vase that was decorated beside the LCD stand. I quickly rushes towards him. "Oh Amir don't disturb daddy he's bu-" before i could finish the door flung open "What the hell" he fumed.

"What are you doing here, i thought i clearly told you not to disturb me." he spitted.

"And i didn't. It was your son he's the one banging the door ." i stated calmly not bothered by the way he's clenching his jaw.

"Is he not supposed to be in his room what is he roaming about?" hearing his Dad's voice he ran off.

Okay I'm about to lose my patience.

I inhale in a sharp breath trying to calm myself down, i don't want to talk anyhow.

"First of all Mr Marwan you know that you're not supposed to be talking like this in front of your son and second do you expect him to stay inside the room all day. If you won't let him play outside at least let him roam around the house that way he won't feel lonely. "

"Hey don't you dare tell me what to say and what to do, he's my son and not your i can do whatever i want to, so stay within your limit " he spitted. I was speechless, i felt a pang in my chest. What right do i have. I'm just trying to help him. Sometimes when i look at Amir i feel shedding tear. A small kid had to go through a lot.

"I'm sorry i won't try to bother you about Amir again. " not waiting for his reply i walked back to the living room where Amir is busy playing with his toy. I won't talk to his about Amir again but i promise to take care of Amir. I 2will give him the love and care he deserve Insha Allah.


It was 8:00pm and the Azan for Isha was called. I performed wudu and spread the praying mat on the floor. After I'm done playing i raised my hands in dua.

Ya Allah, Ya Rahman. You're the hearer and the forgiver. Ya Allah forgive our sins the intentionally and unintentionally. Increase our Iman and guide us through the good path. Ya Allah my hands are raised up in dua, ya Allah give me strength to take care of Amir. Ya Allah guide Mr Marwan through the good path. Ameen.

We don't know each other that much, but i have a feeling that there must be something bothering Mr Marwan, like this is not how he is before but whatever he's going through i prayed Allah guide him to the good path.

I was kinda feeling hungry so i decided to cook food, I barely touch a thing in the kitchen. Stepping my foot in the kitchen i was met with someone backside with an apron that someone is none other than Mr Marwan. As if he noticed my presence he turned his head and our eyes met instantly. His face is now more calm unlike before. I turned my face around i don't want him to misunderstood me watching him. The atmosphere turns quite with Mr Marwan flexing his arms every now and then and me partially watching his moves.

"Um..can you please help me with this." his arms were outstretched with a plate of meatballs, i perceived the aroma coming out of it. He must liked cooking and his food is not bad. I took the plate and trekked to the not so far dinning. He came out with two plates of spaghetti. I stood still watching him decorating everything on the plate.

"Have a seat." He suddenly said. So after snapping at me earlier he's not cooking food.



I muttered Bismillahir- Rahmanir- Rahim first before taking a bite. I resist the urge to moan, the food was actually good.

"I'm sorry. " he blurted out, i stopped amid eating. Did i hear correctly.

"I know it wasn't your fault you're just trying to help and I'm glad that you care about my son and i thank you for that, it's just that-" and he stopped letting out a breath.

"Its okay, you have to right to." i said trying to lift off the awkwardness. A smile made it way out of his face. "So are we okay now?" i nodded in response.

"how was my cooking?" he asked shifting slightly. A smile appear on my lips. "um.." i raised my brows in thinking. "Its good but the meat is slightly sour. "

"Are you taking your revenge Miss raspberry. " he said with amusement in his voice.

"Now we're even you call me Miss Raspberry and i call you Mr Sour. "


Assalamu Alaikum,

So this is kind of unplanned chapter, i was taking a nap when the ideas flushed in. I always get ideas when taking a nap or when I'm in a quite place.

So how was the chapter? Do leave your lovely comment and i might give you guys an early update.

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