Chapter 14

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I glanced at my wristwatch for the nth time 7:30 pm. Marwan texted me that he's coming by 8:00 pm that's after he's done with his office work.

He has the courage to go to work in this situation.

And why can't he? You also went to work.

Probably with me disguising myself like some sort of thief on run.

I can't begin to think about what happened in the office today. First people looking at me weirdly of course who wouldn't by the way I covered my face completely my eyes only visible.
And second, the look I received from the staff inside the office. I can't work with my face covered I had to uncover it.

Matilda tried squeezing some explanation out of me but I said nothing. I'm not sure about this whole thing yet. And the boss who is always smiling unlike his brother "I didn't know you have an interest in my brother" he had said.

And after work, I had to cover my face again to avoid getting recognized.

Ya Allah

I realised out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Yasmin Marwan is here." My Aunt shouted from outside the door. I checked the time 8; 05 pm he came quietly on time.

What a good start.

I tied my hair in a bun and wrapped around a hijab not putting on any makeup besides what's the use on putting on makeup on something which isn't that serious.

Are you stupid Yasmin of course marriage is a serious thing.

I descended down my eyes darting towards the direction of the living room. There he is seated in one of the couches facing Aunt his lips in a thin line. The moment he noticed my presence he glared at me, I cover my mouth to block the laughter that threatened to escape my lips.

"Oh, Yasmin can you get Marwan some drink," Aunt said finally noticing me.

"Sure Aunt," I answered back. I came back with a glass of cold Raspberry drink which I made by myself a very cold one at it. He might need it.

"Sit Yasmin." She commanded. I sat down on the other couch a little bit far from where Marwan is sitting.

"So tell me Marwan, why do you think you two getting married will solve this situation," Aunt asked in a serious tone.

"Can I be honest?" Marwan finally spoke his voice comes out raspy. Like raspberry right. I brushed off the silly thought and readjust my sitting position.

He took a sip of the raspberry drink. I wonder how he thinks of the drink. "First of all I want to apologize for what happened, I honestly didn't expect all this to happen and the idea of us getting married was actually from my grandfather. He said he will help if only we agreed to get married..." He explained calmly " I have no intention to hurt her." He said

Woah who's speaking here.

I didn't expect this from him. The last part made me think otherwise.

"Okay, I understand all that you said but I hope you will be true to your words, I don't want Yasmin to be hurt she's like a daughter to me," "What about your parent?" She inquired. Something flicker in his eyes which I didn't miss to notice. His calm face now changes to something I don't know how to pinpoint it.

"They've been informed." He stated coldly his eyes staring down.

I wonder what's with the cold tone.

"May Allah bless you." Aunt finally said.


"Are you sure what you said back then wasn't a lie." I find myself asking leaning my back on his car.

"What do you expect?" He seethes coldly.

"You don't look like someone who will say that." I ushered back.

"Of course I have no intention in hurting you or anyone for this and besides we didn't expect something like this to happen, but don't get any rubbish thought on that tiny head of yours."

That's right. Who am I to expect a little bit of kindness from him.

But at least he made it clear that he's not going to hurt you.

"Can you step aside and stop staring at me your eyes will pain you." I glared at him. I didn't even know I was staring at him, I was so engrossed with my thought.

Ya Allah what an embarrassment

"By the way how was it?" I asked the question that's been bugging me since.

"What?" He raised his thick black brows in confusion.

Can't you figure it out must I say it.

"The drink," I muttered under my breath but I knew he heard me.

"Oh, what about the drink?"

"How does it taste?"

He shakes his head in distaste. "Um... It doesn't taste good, it's bitter." What? My eyes shot through his with a glare.

"My drink is not bitter." I spitted. A laugh resonates out of him. "Oh so you're the one who made it, that's why it tasted bitter." He said the smile not leaving his face. I was about to lose my patience. How dare him! You shouldn't have asked in the first place.

"If it tasted bad why did you drink it then?" I said folding my arms below my chest.

"So that your Aunt wouldn't be offended."


"You're really unpredictable Yasmin" his mood is much better than before.

"I will inform papa about our decision and I will get back to you." He entered his car igniting the engine to life.

"Goodnight Miss arrogant." And he drove off before I had the chance to reply.



I was constantly tossing and turning on my bed, different thought keeps running in my head. How my life will change in a few weeks or months. Getting married is not one of the things I expect to happen to me. What if I go through what Sis Farah went through in her marriage life. What if Marwan is not good to me. Mom's word rang in my head 'Always remember Allah in whatever hardship you're going through' And the words somewhat calms me down.

My phone buzz from the nightstand. "I've spoken to my grandfather. He said he will make the necessary arrangement you don't have to bother about the wedding preparation just present yourself as the wife. Goodnight Miss Raspberry." He attached a wink emoji at the end.

Mr. Marwan!

Just wait I'm going to get my revenge on you.


Assalamu Alaikum,
Hope you're all doing well. I was feeling kinda bored😔 so i decided to give you guys an update. Who is excited🤗.

Don't forget to Vote and comment down your thoughts. I really need your comment on this, i want to know if this book is entertaining or not. I feel like this story is not interesting anymore😐 do tell me anything you want to be corrected, changed or added😊

Who else is feeling bored with this lockdown thing😕 well for me it's very very boring the only thing keeping me sane is Wattpad and my K-dramas😁 i know this drama I'm getting excited to watch and my favorite actor is the lead role😇 which will kick start today 'The king: Eternal Monarch'
*grinning from ear to ear*

Okay enough with the blabber see you next time. Stay safe.


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