Removing The Mask

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  He webbed over and landed silently behind them. Wanda must have sensed his presence because she looked at him with tears running down her cheeks. He didn't know if he should kneel but before Wanda could turn her head he gripped his mask and pulled it off. Wanda stared at him in shock. She stood up while the others were still kneeling. She hugged him with all her might which was quite a lot. "I'm sorry" he apologized for making it seem like he died. "I'm just happy you're alive" she whispered. She turned and looked at the rest "go tell them" he sighed and approached. The person in the very back was uncle Clint. He tapped uncle Clint's shoulder, uncle Clint turned to face him with wet eyes but not tears. When uncle Clint saw him he stood up and examining him in the suit and made the connections in his head. He hugged Peter and saw Wanda once the hug was over he walked over to Wanda watching while Peter do it again. Next was uncle Bucky, it hurt him to see them like this but it also hurt to give up his identity like this but his family was more important. Once Everyone knew he walked up behind dad and pop he could hear dad sniffle and his tears hitting the ground.

  He quietly but said loud enough "sorry I didn't tell you from the beginning" dad and pop turned to face him when they heard his voice. They both had red eyes. He expected them to be mad but they just hugged him and the others joined. It did crush him but he wouldn't ask them to stop. Once it was over everyone looked at him with new eyes, they met Spiderman and Peter as separate people so them knowing Peter is Spiderman changed their view of him. He sighed "I should have told you from the beginning but I was afraid you would make me stop, so I never did." Instead of them being angry they were understanding "I'm not happy you kept this from us, but you do a good job protecting New York, I don't even think I could stop you even if I tried" dad said. "Can I get my glasses" he said pointing to the building. He started pulling heavy bricks from the pile to retrieve the glasses. He looked back quick and saw some staring and others talking. 

 Once he reached the glasses he dusted them off and put them on. Karen connected to them. He walked over to the group. "I should probably properly introduce you to Karen."  Karen's voice came from the glasses "nice to properly meet you Tony and Stephen, I am Peter's AI and personal assistant." Dad's eyes widened "I completely forgot, did you make her?" Before he could answer Karen interrupted him "yes I was made 9 days ago by Peter himself. I am able to hack, recode, operate his suit, and be a reminder system for Peter, and hacking includes your technology" Dad seemed impressed "you made an AI that can hack my technology?" He smiled not answering but giving dad all the answers he needed.

  Now at the tower he was sat down on the couch after he changed into regular clothes along with all the others. "So we have a few questions" pop said. He knew this would come soon. "How long have you actually had these powers?" Uncle Steve asked. He thought about it "about 6 months after you guys officially adopted me. They nodded but then uncle Clint asked "how did you get your powers?" He smiled remembering the day dad warned him of oscorp. He smirked "remember when you warned me of oscorp?" He asked dad. Dad's eyes widen "oscorp did this to you?!"  He shrugged "one of the experiments" dad seemed to get real angry "I should sue them for all their worth for what they did to you" he sighed "it's ok it helped me and now I have powers" dad shook his head "but now you have to live with these powers you're not going to have a normal life." He snorted at that and continued "I live with the Avengers, my parents are literal superheroes, what was normal after you adopted me, beside normal isn't my thing."

   They couldn't argue with that so they continued " have you been hiding your true intellect since you weren't THIS smart when he first adopted you." Pop asked. "The spiderbite didn't make me smarter but it allowed me to get smarter, I can take in much more details, I can study things and remember them perfectly. So I sneak into your lab and study inventions" he said while looking at dad. Dad was confused at that "What do you mean you sneaked into my lab?" Well this was a mistake "I kinda mesmerized your pass code by watching you put it in and use it to get in" dad wasn't happy but had to admit it was genius.  But before they asked more he had his own question "So what will happen after this?" Dad answered first "Well we're going to help you become a more experienced superhero so you won't latch into huge beasts they are running through the city crashing into everything" the others didn't know about that so they looked at dad with wide eyes "Pete really did that?!" Uncle Clint asked, concerned. Dad nodded while he smiled sheepishly. "Alos you flipped me onto the floor" uncle Sam said still not over it. "Yeah sorry about that but still you have to admit the spider senses are cool" everyone nodded. But aunt Nat threw an object at him and he quickly caught it. " Yep, pretty good power" aunt Nat said. 

 They ended the pretty confusing day with a movie night. "Also why were you so tense during movie night while being Spiderman?" Uncle Steve asked. "While being Spiderman is like being a completely new person so in a new situation I usually tense if I don't know how to handle it." After the movie ended he was walking to the elevator about to go to his room but pop called opened a portal below him and he landed back at the couch "we still have a lot of questions which will take a while." He groaned. "Fine"


In my free time I might add a chapter called bonus and that'll be the aftermath. Emphasises on MIGHT. Depends if people want that.

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