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Josephine POV

Three hundred fourteen people. I don't know if I was expecting more or less people. Jasmine is busy with Tanner and swooning. But honestly, he's not my type. He's too reserved, unlike Liam. His emotions were on display on his face with a light showing everything he's thinking. 

I am just wearing a bra and sweats! What do I do! Jasmine tells me through the Chip. 

Own it. I replie. Stretch a lot. If someone looks, look at them in the eye and and ask why they were looking. 

She looks at me then, not completely sure. I nod, encouraging her to do it. She raises her eyebrow and I nod again. 

She looks forward, and so do I. Turning our direction back to all the people. I start to walk to the food line, I grab a plate and cut about 20 people. I put a bunch of chicken nuggets on my plate and a glob of mayonnaise. I see Jasmine out of the corner of my eye doing the same ad cutting everyone but puts ketchup instead of mayo on her plate. Jas spots a mostly empty table except for a few boy and girls. I place my food down and am about to sit down when a hand on my shoulder stills me in place. 

Jack. The police officer. "Ask them if you can sit here." He tells me and Jasmine. 

I roll my eyes, "Can we sit here?" I ask.

"Thanks." Jasmine finishes. 

We sit down across from each other and ignore everyone watching. When I'm on my seventh chicken nugget a groups of guys sit down around us. 

Me and Jas set down our chicken nugget and focus on one of them at exactly the same time. He flinches under our stare, "What color are you?" We ask, our voice harmonizing together. 

"I am a Red." He says I take that half of a second of his answer to search up everything on him, Michael Veer, assault to a police officer, resisting arrest, a few others. I scan over the others and save their information for me to go over tonight. 

"What are you?" He asks. 

Jasmine chuckles, "We were wondering when you'd ask."

"We are Black." I cock my head to the side and grin. 

"How are you two girls Blacks?" He scoffs and laughs to his friends who laugh with him. 

Oops. I sit back and watch as Jasmine gets hotheaded. She has a short temper. 

"We are Blacks for nearly killing four men, and two children. Blowing up two stores, and stealing four million dollars. I would say the rest but my lawyer has advised me not to." She gets up from her seat and walks over to Michael and holds his head to the table ready to bask it in, "Now Michael, is there anything else you'd like to say." 

I spot John coming towards us, "On your knees, hands behind your head." 

I bat my lashes at him, "But Josh dear, the floor is so dirty. Could we get someone to clean it up first."

He takes out his taser and points it at me, then it fires. I brace myself for the pain but it hit Jasmine instead. Her veins pop and she falls on her knees. I rush over to save her fall but someone else catches her. I turn my attention back to Jerry. 

"You'll regret that Jerry." And then I lunge at him. Before I can wrap my hands around his neck, I hear the taser coming at me then I black out. 


When I wake up it's in my bed. With the smell of vanilla surrounding me. It's unusual. Me and Jas use a strawberry smell. Gives the hint of innocence. I am betting Jack is waiting outside so I can't go anywhere. I close my eyes and try to form a plan. I get up but dizziness consumes me. The room shakes and the walls blur into the ceiling and floor. I lay back down and stare at the ceiling try to focus on one spot. 

I get up slowly and see Jasmine asleep on top of the covers with her sweatshirt placed on top of her. I take baby steps to the window and see that it's pitch black outside. I sigh and go back to my bed and fall fast asleep. 

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