Chapter Fourteen

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"Kigo come here quick!" Mom ushers me over next to Soo Hi who's wearing a pink polka dot dress that she's twirling around in. My small footsteps echo off the wood floor.

Soo Hi giggles and puts her arm over my shoulder.

"Remember to look at the camera Kigo" Soo Hi says to me and fixes my hair. I duck my head and pout. My mom rushes over to our side and points at the camera lens.

"Smile for daddy girls!" Mom says and tickles my side so I smile brightly.

The memory runs through my mind over and over again, its the only thing that's keeping me from feeling the sharp pain coming from my scalp. I try opening my eyes and getting up but someone pushes me back down.

The room finally comes into view.

"Take it easy, dont get up just yet"

The woman says. She looks like mom. She must be mom.

"Mom your alive" I say and feel the tears return. Soo Hi looks down at the floor with a pained expression on her face.

"I'm sorry Kigo, but I'm not your mother"

Even though she says this, I know it must be her. Who else can she be?

"But- but" I stammer. She comes closer and puts a warm hand on my shoulder.

"Your mother was a twin. I'm her sister" she says softly.

I hold on tight to the arms of the chair in which I sit. My head is spinning uncontrollably and I have to hold my head in my palms.

" I know you don't remember me, you were just a baby when I moved away, and Soo Hi was away on summer camp when I went to visit your mother" she says.

"Where were you? You weren't at the funeral, you never called or wrote to us" my confusion is Slowly turning into anger.

"Why are you here" I hiss. She senses my hostility and removes her hand from my shoulder.

"who do you think has been taking care of your father all these years?" She snaps back making me feel guilty. When I left I figured Soo Hi would make sure he was taken care of, so I never gave it much thought.

I look back at my father and then at Soo Hi who has stayed surprisingly quiet.

We all look up at the doctor who enters the room.

"Is this the whole family" he says and puts down his clipboard.

"I hope so" Soo Hi says and crosses her arms on her chest.

"OK then. Mister Park Hye is here because of a failed suicide attempt. He tried to drown himself in the bathtub but slipped and fell before he could submerge, he fell into the water and lost consciousness. His lungs were strained to the max, thankfully miss Rose was able to find him in time" he nods over to my mothers sister and she nods back. So she saved his life.

"Will he wake up?" Soo Hi asks.

"Yes, we induced sleep on him to give his lungs time to heal, but he should be fine" the doctor puts the clipboard under his arm and tells us he'll come to check on us later and leaves.

"I need to go, I've got a meeting soon" Soo Hi says and looks at me. She gives me a look I haven't seen in years. She motions me with her eyes and I know what to do.

"I've got somewhere to be as well" I say.

"Very well, I'll stay with him" Rose says and sits on an extra chair. I get up and head out with Soo Hi. It's been so long since I've walked beside my sister. In relative peace.

Once in the parking lot she turns to me.

"We'll take turns" she says.

"What?" I say holding my breath from the cold.

"Taking care of daddy, we'll take turns" she clarifies.

"Um ok, sure" I say surprised.

"I have to go, but we'll discuss it later" she says. She turns on her heel but I don't want her to go. Not now.

"Soo Hi wait!" I call after her. She turns swiftly.

"I don't know how you knew. But stay out of my business." She stops and then looks me in the eyes and then looks back down at the snow covered pavement.

"Either way, thank you" she says and hurries back toward her car.

I stand alone. Unmoving. I stare as her car pulls out and leaves the hospital parking lot.

She said thank you.

I can't tell if I'm in hell or heaven.

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