Chapter Fifteen

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When I get off the elevator I run into Taemin who looks like he's seen a ghost.

"Are you OK? Thank god!" He hugs me to him so tight I can't breathe.

"I'm OK, confused and shaken, but OK" I reply and hold his face in my hands. His eyes search me up and down to see if I'm lying.

"I got a text from Soo Hi saying that you had fainted in the hospital, I don't know what surprised me more, the fact that you fainted or that Soo Hi warned me" he says  this and lifts an eyebrow.

"What's going on?" He says.

"What's happening is that you two are blocking the elevator" I turn to see Hyo Rin and Minho hand in hand.

I laugh and hug her.

"Where have you been! I haven't seen you in forever" I say and she flips her hair.

"Oh you know...modeling" she says and Minho rolls his eyes.

"Were going out to dinner!" She chirps and pulls on Minho's arm and he breaks into a grin.

"OK love birds, on your way" Taemin says and pats Minho on the back.

Hyo Rin winks at me and leaves in the elevator with Minho stuck to her side. I don't realize I'm staring at them leave until Taemin turns my face and plants a kiss on my mouth.

"What was that for?" I say playfully.

" for scaring me...and for being brave today. Come on, I'm sure Key is in need of his daily dose of gossip" he says and leads me to their dorm.

"Your dad!" Jonghyun shouts and Megan smacks him on the arm.

"Now this is interesting" Key says and plops down on the couch to hear what I've got to say.

"And your mom is a twin? Wow, your family sure is complicated" Jonghyun says and Megan slaps him once again and he glares in response.

"But this is good, right? I mean its a new start for you and your father, now that you are going to have to see him more often" Onew says on a positive note.

One of my favorite things about coming ho!e is telling the boys about my day. They always have something interesting to say.

"True! Now you can actually have a normal family" Jonghyun says. Megan turns and slaps him on the arm again and Jong turns to her in annoyance. We all gasp when he grabs Megan's face and Kisses her. Megan keeps her eyes open in shock and stays quiet when he pulls away.

"Stop slapping me or I'll go farther next time" he says and points a finger at her. Megan nods obediently and waddles out the door silently. Once she's gone theres a moment of complete silence and then we all laugh in surprise.

"Nice jong! What a way you've got with the Ladies heh?" Key says taunting him and Jong crosses his arms.

"That'll teach her who's boss" he says gruffly, but he can't hide his blushing cheeks.

Taemin pulls me closer and we laugh in unison.

"Stay with me tonight?" He says in my ear. I turn to face him.

"No, we made a decision, I stay with Megan to avoid accidents" I say and poke his chest. He makes a weird face but nods.

"So, how are the girls? Are they adapting?" By 'girls' he means Mischievous.

"I guess, I didn't see them today, but I will tomorrow" I say and pick up my purse ready to head next door with Megan.

"Did you tell Amber good things about me?" He says and glides over to my side moving his eyebrows up and down.

"I tell her the truth" I say and give him a grin.

"Ha! Well then your screwed!" Jong says bending over from laughter. Onew shakes his head in disapproval and heads toward the fridge.

I say my goodnight to the boys and Taemin walks me over to Megan's door.

"Did she use the gift you got her?" He asks before I open the door.

"Soo Hi? Surprisingly yes. She even said thank you afterwards" I say this and he's taken back.

"Are you serious? Wow. Who knows? Maybe she's changing, maybe she's exhausted of being the bad guy" he says and rubs his neck.

"Or maybe she's realized that there's nothing worse than a broken family" I say and give a faint smile. He looks down at my chest and picks up the locket around my neck and opens it.

"No matter what, we're family" he says and kisses me gently on the forehead. I mouth a 'thank you' and we part ways.

When I enter the dorm I find a crazed Megan sitting on the living room floor holding her knees to her chest and rocking back and forth.

" you ok Meg?" I say and she looks up at me.

"He kissed me, he kissed me " she says slowly and points at herself.

"Uh huh, why wouldn't he?" I say and plop myself on the floor next to her.

"Cause I'm ME!" she says and pulls at her hair.

"And what's wrong with you? You are funny, sarcastic, organized, quirky Megan. What's not to like?" I say and pat her back.

"Yeah but he can't possibly like me! Can he?" Megan looks like a fifth grader with boy troubles.

"Yes he can, and I wouldn't be surprised. Come on don't stress about it. Let's go to bed" I say and help her up from the floor. She surrenders and collapses on her bed. Its not long before she's passed out.

While she sleeps I take a warm shower and change into my pajamas. Once I'm laying on the mattress I allow myself to think.

This could be my chance to make things right with Soo Hi and my father. This could be what I've been waiting for for years. Soo Hi is even showing signs that she might be warming up to me! But the real question remains...

Will my father want to see me?

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