Chapter Twenty-three

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Everyone is exhausted. Taemin has his head on my shoulder. Since the ride back to the hotel is a little bumpy I have to keep my hand on his forehead so it doesn't fall. I'm still debating telling him what happened with the CEO. He doesn't need any worries, especially when he's gonna leave my side in a couple of days.

We all stay quiet in the van. I look over at the girls who look content with themselves. None of us want to ruin this perfect day. We just want to live in the moment.

When we reach the hotel, Taemin throws himself on the bed with his arms all spread out. I lay on top and he grunts.

"Come on, you need a shower" I say and poke his thigh. He gets up faster than I expected and grabs a hold of my waist. "Let's take a shower together" he says with a glint in his eyes.

"Ya! Are you insane!" I yell and chuck him on the head. He doesn't take no for an answer and picks me up over his shoulder. I pound my fists on his back but it's useless. He dumps me in the Jacuzzi and starts the water. I try to jump out but he just pushes me back in.

"Don't you dare!" I say pointing at him when he begins to remove his shirt. I try to get out again but he blocks me. The water is up to my mid leg and I look desperately for a way out when he starts to unzip his pants.

"Taemin stop! I'm serious!" I yell at him and close my eyes. He stays silent. I don't hear him so I open my eyes. He's standing before me in his underwear. He looks at me with a poker face.

"What? I thought you were getting naked, you scared me" I say trying to justify myself.

"Do you want me to?" He says and puts his hands on his hips.

"No!" Yes.

"You sure?" He says and raises an eyebrow.

"Yes I'm sure!" No I'm not.

He laughs and then sinks down slowly into the water. I stand there like an idiot in my clothes. My pants already halfway wet. Awkwardly I begin to unbutton my blouse. Taemin's eyes widen with shock, but squint when he realizes that I'm wearing a tank-top underneath. I give him a mocking smile and he sneers. I remove my pants and sink into the warm water in my tank-top and underwear.

He starts the bubbles and I relax. The warm water tingles on my skin and I lower myself so I'm submerged up to my chin. Taemin sits across from me and massages my feet under the water. I sigh and look up at him.

What have I done to deserve him? Will we always be this close? Will he always love me?

He looks up from my toes and splashes me.

"What you thinking about? Your quiet" he says and continues to put pressure on my heel, which feels divine.

"Nothing, just.....admiring you" I say and look up to meet his gaze. He smiles and drops my foot. He comes over and places his hands on the side of the Jacuzzi behind my head. He lowers himself and I have to sink myself a Little so our chests don't touch.

"What are you doing?" I say and try to look away.

"Look at me" he says softly. When I don't move he turns my head with his finger. I shiver when I see the intensity in his eyes. His shoulders are tense and a small vain is protruding from his neck.

He's being serious.

Our eyes lock and I feel something I've never felt before with Taemin.


Not fear of him, but fear of disappointing him, of angering him. Of upsetting him. He looks at me with a sense of possession in his eyes. Like he owns me and he knows it. If I wanted to, I could resist. Look away, get up. But I don't. I like feeling this way, I like the way he demonstrates ownership over me just with a simple gaze.

"Say you love me" he says in a low voice.

I gulp and do as he demands.

"I love you Taemin" I say and his stance softens, his shoulders relax and he smiles at me. He returns to where he was across from me and I just sit there breathless. He just demonstrated his dominance over me, but at the same time displayed tenderness. I muster up all my courage and go to his side. The water reflects off his jaw, illuminating his whole face.

I push back his hair and caress his cheek. He leans into my hand and kisses it. I take this as invitation and lay my head on his chest. Soft piano music goes around in my head as the water ripples around us. This is where I want to be.

Nowhere else.

I spend another night in complete bliss. Morning comes to soon and I have to take the girls to their fan meeting.

"I can't believe we're gonna meet our fans!" Anna squeals and Yeong Chan agrees.

"I wonder if they'll really like us" Amber says and bites her lip.

"They will, you have talent, and your lovable" I say before I let them out into the crowd. The fan meeting is being held in an auditorium and the girls will be signing autographs from behind a white table. Camera crews will be all over the place. They need to be prepared.

"Ok girls, remember, big smile! Be polite, and give a quick handshake" I say and demonstrate how they should smile. They imitate and I give them my approval. As soon as the doors open, the fans start to scream. I put in my ear plugs so I don't go deaf. The girls introduce themselves and sit. The signing process begins and most fans take pictures with them using they're cellphones.

The girls were super excited. At least for the first hour. After that their smiles were forced and their butts were aching. I call for a break, since Anna has been trying to get rid of a wedgie for the past twenty minutes.

She thanks me when she reaches me and heads for the bathroom. Yeong Chan rubs her legs, which had fallen asleep and Amber is massaging her cheeks. I make sure they're taken care of before I go outside for a breath of fresh air. I let the sun warm my face and seep in through my jacket.

My phone rings, interupting my peace and I pick it up.

"Stay away from my husband" Soo Hi hisses from the other end.

"What? Soo Hi, you know I never go anywhere near him" I say, thinking that she's calling because she found out about him seeing me yesterday.

"He just came to tell me I did a good job" I say.

There's silence at the other end.

"He, he went to see you?!"


"Yeah......isn't that why you called me?"

"No, I'm calling because today while I was going through his drawer I found a picture of you, and called to, um, warn you" she says and clears her throat, trying to ignore the fact that she's calling because she cares.

"He has my picture? Why?" I say, heart pounding.

"I don't know stupid, that's why I'm calling you" she says and sighs.

"Be careful. He's the type of man that gets what he wants, wether its an object..... or a person. So don't be stupid and be prepared. I'm only telling you this because if something happens i'll be forever shamed for having such  moronic sister" she says gruffly. I smile within.

"Soo Hi?"


"Thank you" I say and she scoffs.

"Whatever" she hangs up.

I put my phone away and stop to think. Why did he visit me? And why in the world does he have my picture? And how horrible can that man be for my sister to call in with such worry? What is she not telling me?

My mind clouds with doubts and questions. I try to push them away.

Stay focused Ha Ni, Taemin Leaves tomorrow and you need to keep your cool. No drama.

Let's see how long I can keep quiet.

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