Chapter Twenty

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   The airport is crowded and I need to make sure the girls are safe. I give the bodyguards specific instructions on how to lead the girls through the gate. I keep an eye out for any dangerous activity but only see screaming fans. The boys are in front of us waving at the crowds and we follow close behind.

Yeong Chan keeps the girls heads down and the bodyguards lead the way. Since the concert is a compilation between Shinee and Super Junior, management decided to put us all on the same plane. The girls are doing a surprise guest performance near the end of the concert.

I had told dad about me leaving to China and he didn't sound to happy about it, but I reassured him that it was for work purposes only. Of course I didn't mention I would be staying with my boyfriend.

I guess I forgot that little detail. Oh well.

Once inside the plane everyone scatters. Almost as if they had planned it beforehand, Key and Onew sit next to Amber and Yeong Chan, and Anna cracks jokes with Heechul In the other corner. As I walk down the aisle I see Taemin ahead who has saved a seat for me next to him.

"You excited?" He asks when I plop down next to him. His blonde hair is pushed back slightly just the way I like it and I turn my face when I realize I'm staring.

"What? Do I look handsome today?" He says and I blush.

"You always look handsome" I say in return and he kisses my cheek.

"My looks are nothing next to yours" he says and pokes my cheek. I mock a laugh and he raises an eyebrow.

"I'm serious" he Says with a straight face "I don't date ugly women" he says this and I pinch his arm and he hollers.

"Ya! Don't be rude" I say and he chuckles.

He licks his lips and I get goosebumps. What is wrong with me today? He seems to sense my distress so he interlocks his fingers with mine and squeezes when the plane lifts in altitude, once safely in the air, he loosens his grip.

In my head I'm still mourning the fact that he's leaving for a month. I won't get to see his face, feel his touch, savor his kisses....

"Stop thinking about it" he says and looks at me. His brown eyes reach deep into me. As if he could hear my thoughts.

"I'm sorry" I murmur, not knowing what else to say. I look back at him and he clicks his tounge, he suddenly gets a weird look on his face and begins to unlock his seatbelt.

"I've always wanted to do this" he says and grunts when he gets up. He takes my hand so I remove my seatbelt and get up with him, unaware of what he's doing.

"Where are we going?" I say.

"Shhhhhhhh" he puts a finger to his lips and I bite my tounge. He leads me back down the aisle until we're behind the curtain that leads to the bathrooms. I look at him in confusion and he gives me a cheeky grin. He opens the bathroom and without a word pushes me in. He closes the door behind us and I try to keep my balance in the tiny space.

"What are you doing?" I say and laugh, shocked that we weren't caught. He holds in his laughter and shushes me again.

"We have to be silent" he whispers and covers my mouth with the back of his hand. I nod and smile up at him, feeling the rush of our bodies so closely confined. He unzips my jacket and slides his hand to the small of my back to push me closer. I almost loose balance and fall on the toilet but he pulls me up just in time.

"This is so romantic" I say teasing him and he replies by mocking me.

He closes the gap between us by kissing me. Very softly at first, almost as if he was tasting my lips for he first time. He breaks the kiss and pokes my nose with his own. This time, I continue the kiss but deepen it. Warmth floods over me as his strong hands hold me close to him. I never want him to let me go. I never want this feeling to end.

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