ok so I have made it like I said a (Y/N) but I'm still keeping the that was in a few chapters oc x henry if you read my other storys then you know my oc is alice I'm going to make her be bills 15 year old cousin I might make a y/n I might. so I'm al...
alice p.o.v I wake up to my alarm look at the time to see 6:00 am I get up and shower (After shower) I get dressed and do my hair
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(Your look) I go down stairs to see my brother making breakfast and my sister drawing in her notebook she looks up and her pigtails bounce a bit morning sissy. She gives me a soft smile morning I say Matt im going to just walk today ok sis. As I step out side I start walking A-A-ALICE!!!! I look behind me to see bill on his bike. I smile hey cous how have you been good as we were talking we didn't realize we made it at school when we got here I went to to the office and burst open the door who ar- alice new kid once they give me my schedule ,locker number and combination. As i go to my locker I pass vic and the others I turn my head a bit to look at them to see the same looks that the gave my the other day bit I still smile at Vic the turn my head and saw my locker was next to Vic once i open it I put my bag and take out the stuff I need and headphones close my locker and see bill and his friends I smile at bill hi Billy h-h-hey a-a-alice Bill says smiling back tell your mom I might come over. O-o-ok Well cya stutter boy. Stop it you know I hate it when you call me that I know well cya bill before I leave I kiss his head and leave and go find my class
Bills p.o.v
After she kissed me on my head and left Richie piped up bill you have a girlfriend as we walk I say no shes my cousin. A hot one Richie said I glared at him then Eddie wispher's so she is single. Then we part away to are classes
Alice p.o.v
Once I come I noticed Vic and his friends are in here oh you must be the new student I node at the teacher well tell us about your self my name is alice i liv with my 24 year old brother and my 4 year old sister I have a pet wolf I'm 14 I like dark colers like black red and dark purple I like to draw and sing I'm a tom boy and just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I dont know how to fight. And I'm good at math science And p.e that's all I finished and the teacher started talking again that's sounds like a wonderful live go sit next to henry bowers henry raise Your hand one of vices friends raised there hands I go sit down then the teacher starts talking again ok what is 481+957×928 I raise my hand and said that would be 888,577 She looked at me speechless that is correct I noticed every one looks at me. What I said I was good at math The boy nexted to me henry I think his name was gave me a note and when i opened it it said you fucking nerd I gave it back with the repley of if was one I would make A's in every class i don't when he read it he looked more mad and wrote something and gave it back stop acting like a bitch sult my blood was boiling that i wrote I never sleapt with anyone ass hole I gave it back and he wrote something and gave it back that said if you didn't then you wouldn't have kissed bills head that made me more mad so I wrote your kinda cute when your mad. Just to annoy him and gave it he looked more pissed and wrote something and gave it back it said so your a player huh then the bell ringed for lunched I put my stuff in and locked it and sat at a empty table I saw everyone look surprised then I heard the door open and everyone went quite I herd footsteps coming to this table and the Henry's voice again get up slut we don't want to sit with you I look up and stand up I'm not a slut stop calling me that and bill is not my boyfriend. You Ass hole he looked more mad the bell ringed so I left and went to class
(Time skip after school)
I got my stuff and went out I saw henry and the other too and vic at the car I went up to him Hey Henry stop being such a ass hole will ya. Oh look your girlfriends here to save the day bill. At that point I blew up STOP CALLING ME THAT BILL IS MY COUSIN THATS WHY I KISSED HIS HEAD. He looked taken a back by my out burst come on let's leave bill and with that bill and his friends left dame Alice you sure know how to flip Bowers out said Richie well I'm going home see cya later
(Time skip)
As I get home buck came and jumped hi boy wanna go for a walk and Explorer with me he barked I'll take that as a yes I grab his leash and put it on him. Lets go as we were walking I saw a kid on a Bridge I was behind the one with a hats car and saw henry pull out a knife I get up and shout HENRY WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU they turn around and henry started talking let us just have our fun. Fun?! FUN!!! HENRY THE KID IN THE HAT DIDNT WANT TO GO AS FAR AS YOU AND VIC DOUSENT LOOK LIKE HE IS HAVEING FUN THE OTHER WELL NEVER MIND BUT NO ONES HAVING FUN BUT YOU TO!!!!! As he comes closer buck starts growing call him off henry said buck easy but stay alert buck listens and sits beside me now if we leave will you leave us alone leave him alone ok let him go boys the let him go and he comes closer I hug the kid protectively and we leave. (If Your confused he didn't cut Ben yet Alice stoped him before he could)
(henrys p.o.v after they went to the bridge)
I went home and up to my room I rememberd that she called me cute and my face went started to go hot wait am I blushing no no i can't fall for her I mean I can but she will never love me after what I did today HENRY!!!!! I run down stairs and see a boy next to my old man Henry this is Matt he works at my job now and his sisters this Alex he points to a little girl and alice once I saw her I knew I was definitely in love henry why don't you take his sisters in the woods i node and take them
(Alice p.o.v)
Alice come on were going to one of my coworkers house ok
(Time skip)
When we got in side I was surprised to see henry henry why don't you take them in the woods he nodes and leads us hey Mr can you sing like my sissy henry laughs a little I dont really sing henry said come on please my sister begged. Ok ok henry agrees
When we were done I could tell he had a killer voice and my sister fell asleep me and henry were sitting by each other on a tree i started to fall asleep little did I know when I fell asleep my head went on his shoulder
(Henry's p.o.v)
Her voice was beautiful her sister fell asleep on Alice's lap. And alice fell asleep to. when she put her head on my shoulder I'm sorry for what I did I love you I whispered. and kissed her head and put my head on her head.