I hate you

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Alice's p.o.v

I wake up excited to see my boyfriend to day. As I get out of bed I grab some clothes and a brush and head to the bathroom to get ready.

 As I get out of bed I grab some clothes and a brush and head to the bathroom to get ready

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( ignore the hair)

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( ignore the hair)

As I go downstairs I hear a knock at the door. And when I opened it I saw jack. hi jack I said happily hey babe I bushed at the nickname he gave me. Well let's head to school jack says happy. I node my head in agreement as we walk to school I noticed a blue trans AM and I could tell jack knew who they were and he put his arm around my shoulders when I look over at the vehicle all of there heads are turned to me henry looked angrier then ever lucky we made it school before me and jack parted I kissed him good bye and we went are separate ways then henry came in. And gave me a note. I looked down and saw the most hatful words the note said your a slut who is only dating him for money your a stupid bitch I started to hate henry so much that wanted to punch him but I was was going to cry then the bell ringed and henry grabbed my wrist and dragged me behind the school I started screaming for him to let go SHUT UP YOU SLUT when he screamed that I started crying an. Started screaming I HATE YOU HENRY. When I looked at him looked taken a back but when I looked in his eyes he looked sad? Then I left him there

(Henry's p.o.v on his way to school)

When I was in belchs car we were close by the school when I looked out the window I saw alice and she had her hair up in to cute buns and of course her new boyfriend was there i saw him put his arm around her I wanted to kill him for it so bad When we made it to school I was a little late I took out a note and put it on alices desk when she read it she looked sad I grabbed her wrist and dragged her behind the school I wanted to shut her up seens she was screaming SHUT UP YOU SLUT. Sh....she started crying I-i-I didn't mean to make her cry I HATE YOU HENRY when she yelled that I was a bit hurt I can't show that i love her but I can still protect her

(Sorry it's short I wanted a cliffhanger so I might make a children of the corn isaac x reader or a Malachi x reader or both im sorry I might update slow but don't worry I won't discontinue my storys when I love a story and it discontinues I get a little mad so I wont do it to yall well bye)

henry bowers x reader I will aways love you no matter whatWhere stories live. Discover now