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Alice's p.o.v

I was walking to the drugs store (I don't know why I call it that😖😂) and when I looked in the ally way I saw jack dead...... there were cops there. I decided to ask what happened what happend sir I asked sadly he looked at me. I'm sorry Mrs but that's private information he said. I'm his girlfriend I said on the bridge of tears. I'm sorry to tell you this but he died from murder this has been happening lately. I walk off crying into the store I grab a box of cigarettes and steel it and just my luck it's raining I got lost in the rain so I went through the woods as I was walking I tripped and spread my ankle I look up and see a house I now this house..... It's Henry's I see a finger come out of the house alice what happend?! I realized it's henry oh I don't know my boyfriend died I spranged my ankle and im soaking wet I say sarcasticly. Come on let's get you inside he said wait what? Before I had time to react he picked me up Bridal style I said lets get you inside it's freezing he said worriedly? Why would he care? Before I knew it I was in what I assume his room? He put me down on the bed. you wait here I'll be right back and he left I looked around and it looked like a normal teenaged bedroom when he came back he had a te shirt and shorts I was a little confused I could tell he took a hint take of your clothes and change im going to give you some privacy and he left. I don't know why he's being so nice to me he's probably trying to have sex or get something in return I start to change and realize the shirt is a little big. Henry I'm done I say and he comes in

(Henry's p.o.v)

When I came back and saw her in my clothes I blushed a little but it wasn't noticeable she just looked so cute in them seens it was a little big it looked adorable on her

(Alice's p.o.v)

o........ Where do I put my wet clothes I ask just toss them I shrug my shoulders and and threw. Them in a random corner I see him look out the window dame if it's this bad I don't think you should go home to night he said. W-what d-do we have to sleep in the same bed. I say blushing well we have to my dad will get suspicious if I don't sleep in here henry responded ok but we have to be a inch apart I say. Can't keep promises he says smirking at me. The room was a little silent till the front door slammed open and henry looked scared? HENRY GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE NOW!!!! I herd I reconized that voice as Henry's dad's I saw in henry hurry up and run down stairs it was a little quite until I herd glass break and his dad yell and it sounded lt like he was hitting him hard then henry came back in and it looked like he was about to cry. henry what happend I ask and then he starts crying I-I-I hate him he says in a shaky voice what did he do I asked worriedly. He comes close and sits on the bed and takes off his shirt and makes jis back face me I start to cry a little. He turns to face me and I hug him he pulls me on the bed and wraps his arms around my body and we both fall asleep in each other's arms I never would have thought henry to be this way maby he's not that bad.

henry bowers x reader I will aways love you no matter whatWhere stories live. Discover now