I like me better when I'm with you

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(Alices p.o.v)

When I woke up I feel warm and I see a arm around me I look to the side to see a shirtless henry Bowers

My face started to go a deep red. I tryed to move but he just held tighter. I tryed harder but he held tighter. at this point I just gave up and went back to sleep.

(Henry's p.o.v)

I woke up and see shes still here I then notice my arm was wraped around her I smile a little and took my arm off and look for a shirt.

When I found one I went to the bathroom to shower

(After shower)

I go back in there and don't see alice any where. I go down stairs and hear humming I go in to the kitchen to see alice in the same clothes as I last saw her and I noticed she's making pancakes "didn't know you could cook" I say.

(Alice p.o.v)

"Didn't know you could cook" I hear I sigh knowing that voice as henrys "yes" I say back making sure the (f/b) don't burn "how'd you sleep" I ask "fine" he says I get a plate and put my (f/b) on it I then go to the table and start eating.

"Hey ummm I got no plans to day so want to hang out I can show you around if you didn't yet." Henry asked "I did but not all of it so I guess." I replie "ok I can show you the quarry if you didn't see it yet" he says I start to wonder what it is "no I didn't"

"Well I should get home before they notice I'm gone so I'll see you later" I say and with that I get up and clean my dish. And start to walk out "cya henry" I say and left

henry bowers x reader I will aways love you no matter whatWhere stories live. Discover now