My meant to be

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It was one of those days. My mood swings had started again. I sat on our bench, staring at the street light submerged in the dreamful state of phantasmagoria. You stood in front of me pulling me out of my reverie, but I was in no mood to have one of our chats today. In my defense, I warned you, I was not in a good mood, but you just had to know why. As everyone knows, it's better to let me blow off the steam cause i wouldn't talk either way. But that was another thing with you that I loved and hated at the same time, You had a way of making me open up, Which was an alien practice to me, at least until I met you.

"I can make you smile," He said, ''Not going to happen, '' I replied. we sat quietly for a minute or two. He then looked up and said, "see there are no stars in the sky today because you're not smiling", I looked up and spotted a star although faint, still very visible, I turned to him smiling with mirth, your cheesy line has failed I just spotted a star, He smiled and said, "It appeared when you just smiled". Once again, you won, the argument, you had made me smile. 

When the conversation ended, and we had to part ways, I wasn't one to accept defeat so I chose to deny that I smiled at all during the conversation. Again you smiled quite cockily, might I add, "You had smiled thirteen times and laughed three times."  Then you walked away, leaving me at a loss for words. Although this was a very minuscule moment it left a lasting impression.

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