Beautiful just the way you are.

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You once said to me "whenever we have a problem, remember it's not me versus you, or you versus me, it's us versus the problem." Yet we still ended up here. So what is the problem, is it that there was never an us, or did we forget to be an us. The person that could lift my spirits faster than anyone else became a stranger in a matter of weeks. 15th of December. A slightly chilly night, I and my cousins had just finished having our makeup done in preparation for a wedding. I sat in a dark corner of the makeup complex, my feet to my chest, tears running down my face. I texted the one person I knew would make me happy. The makeup artist had ruined my face by using a darker shade of foundation. All my friends were looking good and taking pictures in their bridesmaid gown. While I was having a silent meltdown. And since there was no time to have my face redone I felt ugly. I told you what happened but you seemed to not see my message till later on that night. I saw your reply after the wedding was over. "You should have wiped it off, you are beautiful just the way you are".

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