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Yami POV
I wasn't acting myself, maybe I should consider y/n's feelings other than my own. She doesnt like seeing me fight with anyone, so ill stop. Nick kept teasing me about how him and y/n were gonna get together, I wanted to punch him. I didn't sadly.

"Ill invite you to the wedding dude." He smiled.
"Then ill make out with her."
"Then we'll go to the room and-"
"Dont finish that sentence." Y/n glared.

"H-huh." Nick blushed, and I held back my laugh.
"Whatever...But it'll happen sooner or later." He whispered.

"Ey guys look, I'm hungry...yall have snacks?"
"I brought some crackers from the airport, its not a lot though."
"Its worth 3 people....who's gonna eat?"

"Y/n should eat." I blurt. "She's the most hurt here and cant even walk."
"No, you should eat Yami, you need energy if you're gonna kill those bastards."

It was a difficult decision, we all looked at Nick.
"How'd you survive in here?"
"I eat rats, bugs..."
"Yuck...that must suck."
"Yeah....theres one more thing that more normal to eat but you wont like it."
"What veggies?"

  Everyone was silent. You couldn't even hear their breaths. It stayed like this for a few more seconds till Yugi blurted. "WHAT?"

"Yeah, but they taste amazing!"
"A-are you sure..."
"I know it sounds weird but thats why I tried killing it with a katana the last time. I didnt want to melt it."
"Guys are we seriously talking about eating a fucking demon monster." Tristin argues.
"Well theres one right now." Nick points out. "Yami, aim for the neck."

"O-ok." I stand in my position.
"Ok now only use the flamethrower as a last resort."

"Gotcha..." I close my eyes, and took a deep breath.
The Rebecca screeched and I sprinted towards the thing.
It threw its arms around me but i freed myself by cutting it off.

I dodged its next attack and slashed its neck falling on my feet.
"D-dinner..." I sigh.

"Great, time to eat." Nick smiled, while everyone was having a hard time.

Joey set me down on the wall, "we'll get you some of right back."
he left me alone.

"Yuck.." Yami groaned and he was given a piece of flesh. He stared in shock as he saw Nick easily shoving his own food in his mouth. "Mmm.."

Joey came back with some flesh and laid it down next to me.
"Eat that I guess.."
"Yuck!" Yugi looked in horror as he still saw his piece of food twitching.
"Are you sure we can eat this Nick?"

"I dont know man." Tristin stared. "Looks sketchy."
"Do you guys wanna starve?"

As the group argued, i stared at my piece, Joey was kind enough to give me the piece with less blood and juices. Yami sat down next to me and raised his brow. "Yeah, I'd stick with the crackers."

He handed me his piece, and we ate. Yami, yugi, and i decided we were not eating whatever the others were eating. "Yuck!" Joey spat his 'food' out. "This tastes gross."
"You'll get used to it." Nick comments.

"Hey it ain't that bad." Tristin said, continuing to eat the flesh.
"Nope, I'm not eating that.." Yugi stuffed some crackers in his mouth.

"Hey Yami I actually wanted to talk to you."
"About what?"

"...what about him."
"When he speaks you just..i dont know.."
"Yeah I'm not myself. He just irritates me."
"...i cant tell you."
"Aw cmon tell me."

"I just cant. Maybe one day."
"Hey loser just tell me."

"Is it because he keeps flirting with me?"
"Mhm...hes all over you."
"Do you like me?"
"W-WHAT?! I ju-just want to-to look after you."
"Oh, your trying to act like a mom, but as a friend."
"Exactly that....what do you like me?" He smirked

"Haha funny." I look away. I'm kinda enjoying seeing his flirtatious side. Its rather cute.

"Look me in the eye and say you dont like me...see how that goes." He chuckles.
"Shut up weirdo." I playfully shove him.

What the fuck am I doing?

"Ah.. eager arent we? Already putting your hands on me."
"Sh-shut up." I laugh.

I guess I'm only feeling like this because well....hes attractive!

I mean cmon, i can admit he does have a nice tone body, nice pretty eyes, and a grin to die for. He's gorgeous! But this kind of opinion cant be linked to my actual feelings right? I mean its impossible to see him as my boyfriend, it just doesnt work.


"Uh y/n? Can you hear me?"
"I just asked you if you like the crackers."
"Uh yeah, i like ducks, they are quackers."
"No the crackers stupid." He chuckled in his deep sexy-i mean deep baritone voice.

am i just thinking about him this way because we all gonna die? Is this just my final attempt to get a boyfriend? "I mean i never had my first Kiss before." I said accidentally out loud.

"You never had your first kiss before?" Yami looked surprised.
"H-HUh! YOu WeRe nOT sUpPosed tO hEaR thAt!"
"You thought to loud! Ha!"
"What? have you had your first before?"

"Uh, I dont remember any women in my past life, and I sure as hell didn't date any in my current" He scratched his head.

I held in a laugh.

"You have no right."
"Guys this actually tastes good." Joey blurted out.

"We have to go soon, we need to find the gem right now!"
"Well then what are we waiting for?"

I tried standing up, but apparently god hates me, and My leg hasn't even healed yet.
I was gonna call for Joey, but Yami placed me on his back without permission and just smiled.

"Ill take it from here."

I could feel Nick glaring at Yami but he didnt care. He looked like he was in a happy mood.

I rested my head on his shoulder, you know all this running and screaming is exhausting.
Ill just close my eyes. For now.

(Yami X Reader) (COMPLETE)Winning her heart Where stories live. Discover now