A fight for her

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Yami POV
We walked in silence for about 10 minutes. Every second was like his smirk was getting bigger. How could y/n be with him? A cocky, mean, small temper, jealous, good looking, tall, strong and overall tough guy that has a way better chance with women than me...

"Yami." He broke my thoughts.

Nick POV
He showed absolutely no emotion when he looked at me. Its like i destroyed his confidence.

"Dont be sad over a girl man! There's other fish in the sea."
"Eat shit."

I ignored him and pointed across the hall. "Hey look theres a door! Its familiar, its where i craft things."
"Let's go." I smiled anyways.

He didnt say nothing, like his mind was blank. I shrugged and I felt pride.
"We could probably make a few guns with the leftover bullets." I inspected the table.

Joey POV
Tristin was doin his own thing, I got some wood from a dirty part of the room, and dropped everything on his foot. "Oops, sorry bud." I chuckle.

"Whatever man." He held onto his foot. "At least you got some wood."

"Ey Tristin can I tell you somethin?"
"Sure whats up?"
"I have a huge feeling that Yami's gonna ask y/n out."
"You just noticed that?" He shook his head. "Stupid."

"Whatever man! To be honest they do make a nice couple, I wanna get them together but theres one problem.."

"Yeah how's you know?"
"He's always flirting with her stupid, and i dont get why he has a crush on a girl he just met."

"Its funny to think that Yami used to hate y/n the first time he met her."
"Ha! That dumb prank we pulled must have been too much on him! And leaving him in the room with her at the sleepover was even funnier."

"I felt kinda bad leavin my buddy alone without my help."
"Joey I'm pretty sure your advice to yami would be to just grope her you dumbass."
"Yeah i guess it's for the best." I scratched my head.

"So uhm, how are we supposed to keep Nick away from y/n?"

"Oh hey look, i made an axe!"
"Here i made you one too."

"Thanks buddy."
"So uh, i think i got an idea on how to keep a certain someone away from y/n.."

I sighed and kept searching for metal. Yugi was an expert on putting things together, so i let him build while i got the materials. "Hey y/n can you pass me that stick over there?"

"Jeez this place is dirty." I comment, handing yugi the stick.
"You are definitely right. This place is a mess."
"Yuck, I cant get over the smell."

"Hey y/n."

I look around for more stuff, it was awfully quiet then usual, guess the Rebecca's were busy reviving. I could hear the walls shift if i listen close enough. I noticed that yugi hasn't said anything.

"What? Were you gonna ask me something orrrr?" I tilt my head to the side. Yugi stared at me and sighed. "Hey uh, my mood just changed...i dont feel to goof to talk right now."
"Why? Your mood cant just change like that? Are you scared, because I'm here for you."

"No its not that theres a problem with me, I've been scared. Yami must be feeling like crap."
"You can feel his emotions?"
"Only when its strong enough. He's really upset."
"Can you tell how?"
"Ugh...this feeling sucks, i suddenly feel...embarrassed?" Yugi blushed, he was cringing at whatever he was doing.

"maybe we should check on Yami."
"Good idea.." yugi began to shed a few tears.
"Woah! Is he crying?"
"Probably not, Yami is pretty tough, this is just me. He can handle stuff like this but not me. Hehe."

"Aw come here little yugi. Dont cry, mama y/n is here."
"You're so weird, no wonder Yami has a crush on you, you're both weird."
"He doesn't you dick nugget."
"Hey I'm done with the weapons, i made some knives, we just have to throw them."
"Aw cool!" I gripped the knife. "Now I can eat you."

Yugi wiped his tears away and laughed. "No! You're a cannibal!"

"Ok enough games." He choked. "Let's find Yami with the gem."
"..UGH!" Yugi grunted, he dropped the knife and looked so pissed off.
"Calm down, jeez."
"You calm down, you wanna know how hard it is to do all that stupid work?"

He covered his mouth and looked at me. "S-sorry, yami isnt sad anymore, guess he got mad."
"God whats going on with him, lets hurry."
"Agreed, and dont be slow stupid."

I raised an eyebrow.

"It's okay poo face." I pat his head.

Yami POV
I hit the hammer at an alarming speed. I took my anger out on crafting a whip. I found some leather on a couch next to the door, and decided that using that would be easy/ Right now i needed to put the nails in the handle to make sure it stays in place.

I hit the nail very hard not caring in the hammer hits my finger. It already did a few times anyways. I was numb to physical pain.
"Calm down Yami."
"Shut the fuck up you ignorant mediocre pile of shit."
"Jesus christ are you still upset about that girl?"

"Hmp." I was reminded yet again that now y/n has acquired a boyfriend. I wasn't usually like this at all, I'm never angry. I dont curse this much in a day! Only at least a few times. I mutter bad words beneath my breath and i heard some shuffling behind me.

"Hey Yami lemme try this on you!" Nick laughed as he banged me on the head with a stick he found on the floor. He laughed...he was laughing at me.

i lost all control in my body and tackled him to the floor. "Get off me!" He shouted as he punched me in the face. This infuriated me even more, so I got the chance to punch his nose.

We fought for what seemed like hours. Which it was only about 3 minutes.

"Eat shit Pharoah!" He hit me with a nearby bat. I grabbed my now finished whip and slashed his face with it, earning a "GAH" in the process. He smacked the ship from my hands and pinned me down, choking me.

"This is what you wanted!" He said, he didnt let go. I punched him a few more times but it didnt work. NO. I was not gonna let him win. He already took so much from me. I punched him as hard as i possibly could, he loosened his grip and i kneed him in the stomach.

He fell over as i beat the living shit out of him. After several punches, he was almost unconscious. I stopped dead at my tracks. "What am I doing?" I mumble.

"You're beating me up..." Nick said, as he spat blood on my face.
"I'm sorry."

He raised his eyebrow and chuckled. "Sorry for what dude?"
"For hurting you...this isnt me." I looked at the ground.

Nick smiled, but not an evil piece of shit smile. An ordinary one.
"I'm sorry dude, look ima be honest, i only said what i said to get you mad."
"Yeah, the thing about me and y/n, didnt happen, i lied."

We stared at each other, i was still pinning him on the floor. After looking at my problem at a weird angle i laughed. He laughed too.

"Did i seriously just beat you up because you hit me with a stick." I wheezed.
"Yeah! Did I seriously hit you with such a weak ass weapon."
"Its not even a weapon!"

I fell on my back as him and I bonded. After a few minutes we got up.
"Sorry for messing with your girl dude."
"It's not a problem, if you like her...then..." i looked at the floor.

"Nah bro...you can have her."


"Yeah dude, i mean...you did meet her first. And if you're willing to beat me up for touching your girl, I approve of that."
"Thanks Nick."
"Dont mention it...just uh...help me up."
"Oh yeah." I scratched my head.

"Ahh thanks.." he rubbed his back.

(Yami X Reader) (COMPLETE)Winning her heart Where stories live. Discover now