Chapter 21 - And They Were Roomates

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     Astrid sat in the front lobby of the Academy waiting for Andrew to pick her up. She couldn't wait to haul ass back to her pack so she could see some familiar faces. Even if they held looks of disdain.

     "Astrid I'm going to miss you so much!"

     Astrid took out an AirPod and looked at Ophelia who was smiling brightly at her with bags in hand. They had grown extremely close these last few months and Astrid had no idea how she'd live without her best friend.

     "I'm going to miss you too! We'll have to FaceTime over break, yeah?"


     The girls awkwardly hugged as the bags in their hands restricted their movements. Ophelia then waved and ran over to a car parked in the driveway with a woman, a man, and a little boy standing outside. Once Ophelia walked over to them they had a group hug and she could even see some tears in their eyes.

     Astrid felt a pang of jealousy course through her. She would never have that with her parents. With her family.

     Astrid saw Andrew's SUV drive through the gates and she picked up her bags to walk outside. He came to a stop and opened the door to greet her. Just as they were about to hug, Achilles runs over.

     "Ugh Astrid I'm so sorry I was late. I had some last minute packing to do. You know me, never on time."

     Astrid looked at Achilles as if she had grown three heads. What the fuck did she just say.

     "Astrid, you didn't tell me you were bringing a friend home." Andrew looked at Astrid with a smile playing on his lips. He was happy that he thought Astrid had made a friend.

     Just as she was about to correct him and ruin his joy Achilles spoke.

    "Oh it was a last minute thing you know. My parents are visiting my mom's crazy family and I'd rather have a nice holiday. Your pack member here was nice enough to offer me a place to stay." Achilles smiled sweetly and Andrew smiled back.

     "Well there's enough room at my house for us everyone." He took the girls' bags and started loading them in his trunk.

     "What the fuck do you think you're doing Achilles. I want to have a nice holiday without you." Astrid whisper-shouted at Achilles trying not to cause a scene.

     "Watch your mouth friend. We wouldn't want your Alpha thinking you made an enemy of an ally pack's future warrior would we?" With that Achilles hopped into the Range Rover and popped in her earbuds.

     They aren't even AirPods.

~~~{ }~~~

     The ride to the pack was long and nauseating. Achilles and Andrew picked up a great conversation about adventures that she and Astrid never had. She was psychotic.

     Astrid knew that if she told Andrew the truth, he would be disappointed in her. Of course he would be more angry that a crazy teenager lied to him, but he would know that Astrid lied too. And then they'd have another argument about why she couldn't be a normal wolf.

     To stomach the ride she sat in the front seat and pretended to take a nap.

     Once they got to Andrew's house, Georgina and the Beta family were waiting for her with a huge banquet.

     Of course Astrid just wanted to crawl up into a ball and disappear, but Achilles was becoming a huge hit and as her 'friend' Astrid was obligated to introduce her.

     "Oh Astrid I'm so happy the Academy changed you for the better. I knew it would! Look at the great friends you're making." Jules lowered her voice and leaned into Astrid's ear. "They're better than the human company you kept."

     Astrid plastered a fake smile on her face and mumbled something about Jules being right. The Academy had changed her for the better but it had nothing to do with Achilles.

     Astrid had no idea why she was here. If she wanted to take her down why couldn't she have done it at school. Why lie and come home with the one person you can't stand. Achilles knew her and that's what scared Astrid. She knew what buttons to press and how to get her way.

     After everyone had left, Georgina took Achilles upstairs to show her a guest bedroom. That left Andrew and Astrid sitting in the living room alone, staring at the fireplace.

     "You can be honest with me. You know that, right Astrid?"

     Old Astrid would have scoffed at that ridiculous statement. She had been honest with him her first night at the academy but he dismissed her. To avoid a fight, Astrid just nodded her head.

     "I'm glad you're making friends. Really."

      "Oh you know me. I'm very social."

     Andrew let out a laugh.

     "Look, I heard from Jules that your friend Pierce is having a party tomorrow night-"

     Astrid couldn't help but roll her eyes at that one. Of course he didn't trust her enough to think that she wouldn't go to the party.

     "I haven't talked to Pierce in months. I wouldn't betray your trust by going to his party."

     Sometimes lies were good to protect both parties involved. Andrew didn't have to know she was still talking to Pierce. Besides it was platonic. It's not like they're together anymore.

     "Ok I'm just checking. Maybe you can go to a pack party. One of the teenage members is throwing one and there isn't going to be anything... tempting there."

     "Don't worry Andy. I've tried heroin before and the highs are less fun the more you take it."

     Andrew sighed and looked back at the fireplace. Great idiot. You're pushing us back to square one.

     "I'm sorry. If you want I can give the pack party a try. I'll even bring Achilles." Astrid had to refrain from gagging when she said that witch's name.

     "Great! I'll see you tomorrow morning then."

     Andrew went to give her a hug. As he went to kiss her cheek, Astrid moved her head. It was a quick and purposeful move, one that was pretty idiotic.

     Andrew's lips landed on hers. Astrid wanted to know what it felt like. Kissing Pierce was hot and fun, but kissing Andrew was different. In the seconds that their lips were mashed together, Astrid could feel a tug. She wouldn't feel the full effects of the mate bond for another year, but there was something still there.

     Andrew pulled away quickly and turned around, not even looking back at her. Astrid knew she did something stupid and she began to feel regret sleep over her.

     You're not even eighteen yet.

      Astrid turned to walk upstairs to her room. She walked past the guest room that Achilles was staying in and flipped her off through the door.

      Inside, Achilles was sending an email to the whole school.

      Yet, somehow, she 'forgot' to add Astrid to the list.

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