Chapter 26 - Contemplation

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     "What do you mean by us?"

     Astrid looked at him in disbelief. Did he think that this would change anything? Who even knew if Pierce and Achilles would rekindle, or even start, a relationship. Pierce was fiercely loyal to his friends. Plus he was a human, so the mate bond worked differently for him.

     Andrew scratched the back of his head and regret began to flood his system. Why would you say that.

     "Never mind I should go."

     Andrew got up from the chair. The plastic groaned in relief as his weight was lifted. Just before he turned the knob to leave, Astrid spoke softly.

    "My 18th birthday is only a year away. By then I should have an answer for you."

     Astrid spoke with her head turned, not looking at his form. Her feelings for him where not what they should be, but she had no idea how she'd react once she felt the bond. She couldn't lie to him again and say that nothing would happen.

     In the back of her head she knew she was destined to become the Luna of this pack, whether she liked it or not.

     "I've waited all these years, I can wait another."

      Andrew walked out the door with a newfound excitement. Astrid's responses had always been negative and now she gave him a maybe. I can work with maybe.

    Astrid was mentally drained. Her best friend and possible boyfriend found his mate who was also Astrid's worst enemy.

     Maybe that's why she hated me so much.

     Achilles was a year older than Astrid and even though her wolf couldn't recognize her mate, she could still be territorial. Especially since she was the dominant one in the relationship as Pierce was a human.

    Or maybe she's just a bitch.

     Laying in bed, Astrid decided to call Pierce to ask him how he was doing and possibly offer some advice. He picked up on the first ring.

     "Astrid what the fuck happened out there?" Pierce sounded worried, as if he had been thinking this over for hours.

     "Queen Asshole is your mate."

     "Well duh I figured that. Why is she my mate?"

     Astrid rolled her eyes.

     "I don't know. I'm not the Moon Goddess. She's the one who pairs people together."

     "Well then can you ask her why she paired me with the girl who horrified my best friend."

     "Sure. While I'm at it I'll just talk to my dead parents as well."

     The conversation was quiet for a minute.

     "It's dark humor Pierce. You're supposed to laugh."

      "At a joke about someone else's dead parents? I think I'll pass."


      They laughed for a second, but Astrid knew they were getting off topic. They weren't here to joke about her dead parents, they were here to talk about Achilles.

     "Look Pierce, I honestly think you should talk to her. You two are made to love each other, and it would be a shame if you threw that away because of me."

     "Oh my bad. I thought the girl with a horrible relationship tried to give me advice." Pierce's voice was humorless and she knew he wasn't having it.

     "My relationship with Andrew is way different than yours with Achilles. At least she's the same age as you."

     "Hey maybe you can call him daddy. He'd probably nut for that."

     Astrid was taken aback by her friend's brash comment.

     "I want you to know I didn't appreciate that."

      "Just giving advice."

     "Well your advice was not necessary."

     "Neither was yours."

     Astrid sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, something she learned from Pierce.

     "Look just talk to her, ok?"

     Pierce pretended to think about it for a second.

     "Maybe. I'll try to find time in my busy schedule to pencil her in."

     "You're such an ass."

     "You live for it."

     They conversed for a few minutes about nothing before hanging up. It was getting late and Astrid was close to passing out.

~~~{     }~~~

     Astrid woke up to Achilles standing over her bed. She let out a scream and rolled out of bed.

     "What the fuck are you doing in my room at 8 in the morning?"

     Ignoring her question, Achilles waved her hand.

     "That's not important. I want to know what you said to Pierce last night."

     Rubbing her eyes, Astrid groaned in frustration and climbed back into bed.

     "This couldn't have waited for a more appropriate time. Like after breakfast maybe?"

    "No it couldn't. I want to know what caused him to do a 180 and call me at 2 in the morning asking to meet for coffee!" Achilles' voice went from normal to a high shrill and Astrid couldn't believe that it was still early.

      "Why are you acting like it's a bad thing? You should be happy he's giving your crazy ass a chance. A simple thank you would suffice."

    "Why would you help me?"

    "Maybe because the only bad person is you? Or maybe it's because I don't want my best friend to be depressed for the rest of his life without his mate. I already see enough of that with Andrew."

    "What do you even gain from this? You're going to be alone now."

    I'm about to beat this bitch up.

   "Don't worry about me oh charitable one. I think I'll be just fine."

   Achilles crossed her arms and gave her a dirty look.

  "Whatever, I'm just happy you aren't going to be in between me and Pierce now."

"I'd never dream of it."

  Astrid smiled and pointed at the door hoping that Achilles would understand that their conversation was over. Achilles thankfully got the hint and left leaving Astrid alone with her thoughts.

    Would I really be alone?

     Now that Pierce was mated, he was no longer an option. If she refused to become Andrew's official mate, she would never find true love. Maybe she would be alone forever.

     She never really had love other than that of Andrew and Georgina. Well, and Pierce too she guessed. But Andrew and Georgina we're her family. They weren't always there for her, even when she needed them to be. But they cared in their own way. They always wanted the best for her.

     Maybe she wouldn't be alone after all.

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