Chapter 33 - To the New Luna

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     To say the pack was shocked would be an understatement. Quickly, murmurs filled the hall, most of them unfavorable.

     "But she's so young."

     "Isn't she in rehab?"

     "I thought that was the Alpha's bastard child."

     The last one made Astrid cringe. He was friends with her father, not her actual father. Bile threatened to rise up her throat.

     Of course she knew the pack's reaction would be like this. She rarely showed her face and for a regular pack member that would have been fine, just a bit odd. However, for a Luna to neglect her pack was unheard of.

     "If everyone could calm down." Andrew slightly raised his voice to gain control of the crowd. He thought they would be happy that after all this time Silvis Territory had a true Luna. Thinking on it now though, he should have known. Hindsight is 20/20.

     "The rumors that you have heard of my mate are untrue. I understand that this has come as a surprise to you all, but this is a blessing. The pack now has a Luna and for that I think we can all rejoice."

     The pack members looked at each other warily. The news of their Luna was certainly a surprise, but they weren't sure it was a blessing. She was so... not Luna material. Hell, this was the first time she had attended a pack function.

      Astrid decided to chime in. Andrew's ramblings weren't going to win them over, even if he was their alpha. She got up and took Andrew's place at the podium. He looked at her to ask Are you sure?, to which Astrid nodded. His apprehension was soon overtaken by pride and Astrid's heart swelled.

     "Hello everyone. I know what you all think of me, and I know it is mostly unfavorable. I don't want to overtake Georgina's funeral, but I do want you all to know that I will try. I will try to be even half the Luna that she was. For now, however, I think it's time we put this on pause and focus on the incredible leader, mother, and friend Georgina was to all of us."

     Astrid stepped down and collected herself. That was good. Right? 

    She shook her head. It was good, don't doubt yourself.

     Astrid stepped down from the podium and went to sit with Andrew. He wrapped an arm around her and kissed her head, proud that she was finally filling into her position.

     The service droned on, more friends and pack members shared stories of Georgina and how she touched their lives. 

     Once the service was complete, Georgina's casket was placed on a boat and pushed into a sacred lake on pack lands. In true viking fashion, the boat was then lit on fire; the flames glowing against the grief stricken faces of the onlookers.

~~~{ }~~~

     The Beta family had invited Andrew and Astrid for dinner that night. Astrid was grateful that she wouldn't have to cook, but she was also not in the mood to talk to other people. 

     She made a pit stop at Andrew's house and changed into comfy clothes before meeting him at Nolan's. Upon entering, she found everyone seated in the living room. Usually they would be drinking and laughing, but with the day's events everyone was just drinking. 

     Jules waved her over to where she was sitting and handed Astrid some water.

     "Since... you know." 

     Astrid smiled appreciatively, but in the back of her mind she wished she wasn't sober. What a bad day to not be under the influence.

     The only sound in the room were Harry and his mate whispering to each other in the corner. They really were the epitome of a disgusting couple. They were constantly touching and cuddling and making mushy jokes.

     A ding filled the air and Reese got up to check on the food. 

    "Dinner's ready!"

     The depressing party made its way to the dining room and Reese brought out a ham that she had cooked.

    "I thought that we could all eat some of Georgina's favorite foods."

     Andrew smiled at her appreciatively.

     "Thank you Reece. This all smells delicious."

      As dinner started, so did a comfortable chatter. Food seemed to always bring people together. Everyone went around the table and told their own stories of the former Luna, but unlike the funeral, the air was less tense.

     "Oh my Goddess remember the time you, Dean, and I got absolutely hammered after prom. Georgina was pissed and we tried to play it cool, but Dean spewed his guts all over her favorite rug." Nolan's face had reddened as he remembered the story from his childhood. Andrew was also laughing for the first time since his mother had passed.

     Astrid also chimed in, wanting to learn more about her parents. They were hardly ever brought up, as it was a sensitive topic for everyone. 

     "And then what happened?" 

     Nolan had an undetectable look in his eye when Astrid had asked that. He was happy to finally share stories of Dean to his daughter, but he also wished his friend was there to say it himself.

     "Georgina was obviously furious. She made Dean clean the carpet that night and then made him clean the whole house for a week."

     "Which he didn't even do. He had us cover for him while he went off with his fling of the..." Andrew didn't finish that statement, figuring it would be best to not mention Astrid's father's sexcapades. 

     "She was tough, but she was one of the greatest women I have ever known." Nolan raised his glass. "To Georgina."

    "To Georgina" They all clinked their glasses in her honor. 

    "And to our new Luna." Jules chimed in sending a discreet wink towards Astrid.

    "And to our new Luna."


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