chapter four

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~Chapter Four~

" Bryon...."

After I cought my balance I look back at Kallie to make sure she was okay, seeing her playing with her new stuffed turtle that I got her I turn back to Bryon to see him staring at Kallie.

" Is she your sister?"

I give him a smile and shake my head no.

" She is my five year old daughter."

His eyes go wide like he thought it was impossible for me to have a kid.

" Aren't you a little young to have a kid?"

I give him a genuine laugh and shake my head no.

" Well I wouldn't think so because I am twenty-five but I guess I do look young for my age."

I have always had problems with people thinking I am younger than I am. With my 5"4' stature I kinda looked like I was still in high school. This one time I was driving and I got stopped by a police officer and when he saw the age on my drivers license he had the nerve to say it was a fake, and he told me that he would have to take me down town. So after that incident I keep my birth certificate with me where ever I go.

" Really you don't look like your that age. You look more like your seventeen or eighteen."

Maybe that's why he gave me that strange look when I picked my brother up from the police station

" Yeah I am sure of my age."

At that point Kallie decided it was time for her announce her presence into the conversation.

" Mommy who is that."

I turn to her and give her a smile.

"This is Bryon, Bryon this is my baby girl Kallie."

" Do you like turtles, because I like turtles. I have a pet turtle her name is ginger. Do you want to come to my house and meet her?"

I look back at Bryon to see him smiling at Kallie. I give him an apologetic smile.He shakes his head no like to tell me not to apologize about it.

" Hunney I don't think Bryon would like to do that and plus we have to go get some boxes so we can start packing to move."

" You guys are moving?"

" Yeah I thought it would be best for us to move to a different school district so we are moving farther in town."

" So you guys aren't moving out of town.".

Was he worried that I was moving away? Thinking about it some more I mentally shook my head thinking to my self. There is no way he would be thinking like that. He doesn't even like me that way. Someone started talking to me and pulling me out of my thoughts. I look at Bryon realizing what he was wearing for the first time sense I ran into him. He had changed out of his uniform and into a pair of faded blue jeans that fit him in all the right places and a v-neck black t-shirt with a leather jacket. Mentally shaking my head realizing that I was staring. Looking up to see him staring at me with a knowing smirk. I could feel my face heat up.

" W-well it was nice t-to see you again but I should finish shopping so I can get back home I have already left Allik home alone for long enough."

Giving him a good bye wave I grabbed my cart and headed to the check out counter than to my car. After getting home I realized that after running into bryon I didn't finish shopping so I didn't get milk for in the morning. Not wanting to get Kallie back in the car I called up Mrs. Knapp and asked her to come over to watch Kallie for me so I could get Milk. After she came over I got into the car and drove to the gas station to get milk. Not wanting to have to go all the way back to the store.

After grabbing milk I realized I still had to get some boxes. I called the house phone and told Mrs.Knapp that I might be a little bit longer. Hanging up I got into my car  and drove to my work to grab the boxes that my boss told me I could have.

Driving home I realized that I had to drop by my new apartment to pick up the keys to the door. Heading down town I got out of my car to see someone very familiar walking to the building. As if he could feel my stare on his back, he turned around to face me. Once he noticed me his eye brows hot up in surprise. Before I knew what was going on he was walking over to where I was standing frozen in my place trying to figure out what was going on, but before I could a word out he was in front of me.

" Lily are you following me?"

I could see a knowing smirk playing on the corner of his mouth. I could feel my cheeks blush in embarrassment as I look at him in horror.

" N-no of course not! this is where my new apartment is and I am here to pick up my key to my apartment."

Something changed in his eyes as I finished what I was saying to him. Realizing that we have been standing here for more than needed I clear my thought. Snapping him out of his thoughts. I give him a smile.

" I should probably get going, I need to get back before I come back to no house."

He gives me a smile as I turn to the Office of the apartment building. After grabbing my key I went back to my house and thank Mrs. Knapp for watching the kids. Realizing what time it was I got ready to make dinner. After dinner and giving Kallie a bath and putting her to bed. I went over to Allik's room I knocked after hearing him say come in I opened the door to see him sprawled on his bed with his lab-top opened with facebook up.

He looks up at me and the look on his face told me that he could care less that he was in trouble. He looks back down at his lab-top like I wasn't even there. The anger inside me just came to a boil. I stalk over to his bed and shut his lab-top.He looks up at me with a dumb struck look on his face. I give him a stern look.

" Allik we need to talk." For a split second you could see something in his eyes that showed some emotions that he cared about what he did but just as it came it had gone. I move some of the clutter on his bed so I could sit down. Making a mental note to have Allik clean his room. Looking around there was clothes thrown everywhere and magazines on the floor. I look back over to Allik and give him a stern look.

" Allik I can't keep doing this. Every time you get in trouble it gets harder to keep up. The letters and calls from your teachers telling me that your falling back on your studies. Calls from the police. Its not fair for me. So I have made a decision and you might not like it but you have no say in the matter. We are moving into town and you are going to a new school." I paused and waited for the yelling and screaming that never came. I looked over to him to see him looking at me with a very hatred look on his face.

" You are not my mom! I can do what I want you can't make me move!" He got up from the bed and started pacing the floor." His words hit me hard because deep down I knew he was right I could never fill our  parents shoes.

I look over at him feeling the tears well up in the corner of my eyes but I would not let them fall. I will not show him get to me. I lift my head up and got up off his bed and headed to the door. I turned to him and saw his intense stare.

" I know I will never be able to live up to mom and dads image but I can damn well try and you do have to listen to me because I am your guardian and I am in charge." I turn back to the door and right before I left I turned back around.

" Allik you need to clean your room and start packing I have already put the house up for sale and we are moving in two weeks." and with that I left his room not and giving him a chance to responded.

The feeling of tiredness washed over me as I reached my room. Stepping in my room I grabbed a pair of pj's and headed to take a shower. Getting out of the shower I pulled a brush through my hair brushed my teeth and headed back to my room and got in bed. Once my head hit the pillow I was out. Hoping the tomorrow would be a better day.

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