3. A New World

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I tried holding my breath in the swirling vortex as long as I could. It looked so much like a vacuum that I knew if I breathed that no air would fill my lungs. I held my breath until on the verge of passing out.

Before the light completely blacked out from my sight, I breathed in. To my surprise air filled my lungs and I was completely fine. Now my worries shifted to how I would get out of this supernatural cage.

While I was floating in contemplation, streams of light from the walls of the vortex started shooting into my wounds from the thorn bushes. The light soothed my body and slowly my cuts began to come together and heal themselves. Once they were all healed, I felt a surge of energy as the light from the vortex pulsed through my body.

This power was unlike anything I've known before. It increased in intensity until almost bursting out of the pores of my skin, but then the power seemed to converge into a small box by my heart. It was locked in my body and I resorted back into my normal human nature, but I still knew that something about me was different.

Within a few minutes of continual gliding through the tube of light, an opening appeared in front of me. I was spit out into a room with a medieval architectural style. The vortex funneled down to an opening no bigger than a fly and then vanished without a trace.

A shout of excitement was exclaimed from some mysterious person in the corner of this room. An old man with a weathered face that glowed slightly with years of knowledge and stories, stepped closer to me. Behind him stood a man and a woman who were both wearing a crown and radiated royalty.

The old man began to speak, but the man with the crown cut him off, excused him, and told him that his services were no longer needed. Solemnly the old man sulked out the door like a toddler who was denied getting a brand new toy from the store. I was shocked that I understood him. He wasn't speaking English, but for some magical reason I knew the language already.

The man with the crown announced that he was the king and his wife was the queen. They promptly asked my name. I told them that my name was Aadi. From the looks on their faces I could tell they had never heard that name before, but to be fair it wasn't a common name where I lived back on Earth either.

Shaking away the confused look, he continued on. He explained how their wizard had searched the cosmos on every plane of existence, parallel universe, and alternate dimensions for the one being who looked similar to their form, but also held a strong romantic bond with a suitor that they had picked out. That person would be brought to their planet, Zarish. He then told me that I was the girl that they found.

This wasn't the first time I was mistaken for a girl, and frankly I didn't mind. I liked being feminine and even dressed up in Emily's clothes a few times when we were bored. However, I believe in honesty, so I calmly corrected him and stated that I was a boy. 

I don't know what switch I flipped, but if steam could shoot out of his ears it would have. He said about every curse word that I could think of and then muttered something about having enough princes already.

His wife calmed him down with a stern clearing of her throat. It was now the queens turn to talk, she came over to me and just stared. After what seemed like an eternity she turned to her husband and said that this will work.

He began to speak, but she put a finger up and he closed his mouth. She explained that I looked enough like a girl to pass as a princess and that once the wedding had commenced it would be too late for the treaty to be broken. She then turned to me and explained that there has been a war between the humans and the tieflings and the only way for peace to arise were for a human princess to marry the Tiefling prince.

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