7. Escape!

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The tiefling king and queen fought valiantly at the base of the castle against the human king and queen. The kings were still out in front of the castle as they battled each other alongside their guards. The queens had moved their fighting inside to the foyer of the castle.

The tiefling queen had entered the castle to protect the jewel from the human clutches. There was no way that the human queen was going to allow the tiefling queen to get away. Positioning herself in between the jewel and the human queen, the tiefling queen desperately tried to protect the jewel.

Realizing her frantic protection, the human queen was determined to destroy the jewel. Not being able to get around the tiefling queens spear, the human queen pulled out a dagger. She hurled the dagger at a rope that was holding a chandelier. The dagger sliced through the rope and came crashing down on top of the jewel, shattering it completely.


Steady, rhythmic pulsing energy flowed through my body, as the arrows came raining down towards us. Maliss stepped over me shielding my entire body. An instinctual mystical nature came over me as I shaped an energy bubble around us in less than a second. The arrows bounced off the force field like tennis balls off a racket.

The bubble dissipated and I embraced Maliss as we stood together

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The bubble dissipated and I embraced Maliss as we stood together. He pulled me into a passionate kiss. We pulled our head backs, but kept our arms embraced around each other.

He smiled as he whispered that I'm full of surprises. He didn't have to just trust the words of Kordax, but had witnessed my magic for himself.

A human guard entered the top of the tower and slashed a sword at us. I screamed look out and Maliss whipped around, took out his sword, and barely grazed the blade of the guard faster than I could blink. However the sword from the human guard was coming down too quick and forcibly for Maliss' sword to completely stop it.

The blade slashed into Maliss' face and blood poured out as he fell to the ground. I set Nimos down, and he squeezed into Maliss' pocket. I shot an energy blast at the guard and he flung over the edge of the tower.

I looked over the edge and saw that the tiefling king got struck down as the head of the tiefling queen rolled out of the castle. I embraced Maliss and teleported us as deep into the forest as possible.

Ripping a long strip of my battle tunic, I draped a makeshift bandage around the wound on Maliss' face. The white cloth instantly turned crimson red as his blood seeped throughout the whole bandage. I tore more pieces off.

By the time there was no more blood I had used up most of my tunic. It barely covered my nipples and looked more like a crop-top. The metal armor covered the essential areas, but I couldn't help thinking that I looked like I was wearing one of those ridiculously skimpy female outfits in those fantasy video games I would play with Emily.

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