11. Additional Information

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Got any questions?? Just comment down below and I'll answer your questions. Here are some that I thought would be good for you all to know:

*What are their majors?
-Aadi was a Psychology Major
-Emily is an Elementary Education Major (She ends up teaching in Zarish once she completes her degree. She still lives on Earth with Nancy though. A portal is hidden in their closet, that only they can see, so that they can travel to Zarish whenever they want).
-Nancy is a Political Science Major
-Nick was a Sports Studies Major (He couldn't handle the pressure of the work, plus a slight bit of trauma for making Aadi disappear made him drop out).

*Did I make up the term tiefling?
-No, that is a term used in D&D. I've never actually played, but I know what they are. I made these tieflings my own though.

The characteristics and powers are from my own creation and do not reflect any of the guidelines from D&D. My version may be different than what some of you are used to. I apologize for that, but I wanted them to look and take on the name of tieflings, while still being my own.

Hope you all are ok with this. So if you do your own research and see some discrepancies with my tieflings don't be mad or surprised. I performed the same creative licenses with all of the species in my story. They in no way are supposed to be exact copies of how they exist in other stories or guidelines.

*How do the tiefling species reproduce?
-A female tiefling drops eggs out and a male tiefling provides the sperm. Intercourse initiates the dropping of the eggs for the female and the stimulation allows for the release of sperm for the males. Once sperm comes in contact with the egg a creature begins to form.

The DNA from a droplet of blood from the combination of the tiefling couple is needed to form a tiefling baby. If no mixture of blood is placed, then the baby will form into a strong, massive creature that has pet like qualities. It won't be able to communicate or have intelligible thought, but its nature is loyal and protective.

(Aadi and Maliss have two baby princes and two baby princesses by getting adopted eggs, Maliss providing sperm, and the mixture of their collective blood. This is the easiest way for LGBTQ+ tiefling members to have children. The children are 100% made of their DNA and the whole process of providing eggs and sperm is completely painless for both parties. It is very easy to get hands on both sperm and eggs for this reason).

*What are the wizards saying in their spells?
-They chant a phrase of backward words to make spells. For example a spell about making pizza form may look like this when the words are turned around:
Pizza from the Earth world appear
But this is what they say:
Azzip morf eht htrae dlrow raeppa

It takes a lot of practice to do it fluently. A simple spell can be stated by a single wizard and doesn't need to rhyme. A more powerful spell may need a few wizards and probably should rhyme.

A rhyming spell is much stronger than one that doesn't rhyme. But rhyming for a simple spell might actually create a magical surge and have undesirable effects. It's good to know when to use rhyming in a spell or not.

Inexperienced wizards should team up with other wizards when trying a rhyming spell or a powerful spell. (Look back in the story and see if you can figure out the phrases that they say to make their spells).

*Why do some people from earth have magical abilities when they come to Zarish?
-Originally Aadi thought that the light beams from the vortex are what gave him magical abilities, but in reality they were just healing him. Magical abilities are inherent when transferring to Zarish. Humans of Earth have a higher affinity for magic than those on Zarish.

Think about all the stories of sorcerers and people possessing magical powers in our history. When a human from earth comes to Zarish their body morphs with the magical atmosphere and whatever magical strength they have in accordance to the world matches their species with that of those on Zarish.

So those with strong natural magical affinity might come over as a Warlock, those with medium a wizard, those with little probably a hybrid breed of human and a magical entity, and those with none would remain a regular human. Elves and tieflings are the most rare for a human of earth to transfer into, but it's not completely impossible. Orcs and naturally magical creatures such as mermaids/mermen, dragons, centaurs, and Minotaurs are impossible for humans of earth to turn into, but some may have slipped over into our world in ancient times that contributed to some of our legends.

*How did Aadi's parents die?
-A car accident while coming home from a date. A drunk driver had a head on collision with them. Fortunately the parents didn't suffer and died instantly from the impact. Don't worry Aadi had a babysitter at home. He was like 6 years old. (Don't drink and drive).

*Where on Earth did they go to school and live?
-They live in the USA. Massachusetts is the state that they lived in and went to school. I've always loved Mass, so I wanted to include it in my story.

Those are all the questions that I felt like should be addressed at this time. I'd love to hear your questions and respond to all of those that I can.

Also, if any of you can draw, I would love to see pictures of my characters. Or maybe even some short comics of them. I would love to create another short story on Wattpad with a collection of your work. I would give credit to each artist right under their work.

If you need any ideas for your work, just ask me. I'd especially like to see some of Maliss and Aadi kissing. I can't draw myself. Unless you want to see stick figures or something that looks like a five year old drew. 😜

Thank you all for reading my story. Hopefully you enjoyed it and remember to always share kind words and love! :)

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