hostage situation

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Singh got his radio out and started to call in. "Tockman? Tockman. Tockman!" he ordered then Tockman got his radio. 

"I am presently in control of eight of Central City's finest, three underpaid assistants, and one very brave civilian girl," Tockman said, as he looked at Iris, who was clutching onto Mon. 

"You've got demands; I want to hear them. But first, let the civilians go," Singh said. 

"Would you prefer I sent them out alive or dead? Please be more specific. One helicopter, one vegetarian takeout meal, one laptop with eight gigabytes of RAM will be delivered on this roof at exactly 53 minutes and 27 seconds from now, or I shoot a hostage," Tockman ordered but in the background, was Eddie, hiding down, with his gun in hand. Mon saw him and slowly shook his head no to Eddie. "There is a citywide blackout. I'm gonna need more time," Singh said. "Captain, you may delay, but time will not," Tockman said. "Benjamin Franklin," Joe said, recognizing that quote. 

"Very good, detective," Tockman said, but then Mon turned to Iris' ear, so he was exactly at her ear, so Tockman couldn't hear him. 

"I could easily break these cuffs and knock him out," he whispered, concerned for everyone's safety. 

"No. You are allergic to lead. You will end up just like those officers if he shoots you," she whispered back and he looked at her, and she looked at him, in deep contact. And then he nodded.


Barry & Kara slowly walked down a hallway, with everyone else hiding on the other side, but Farooq turned the corner and once he saw Kara & Barry, he wined up his powers so the couple put their hands in the air. "Hey, whoa, whoa. Whoa, whoa, easy. We're not gonna hurt you," Kara assured. "You can't hurt me," Farooq said. "Well-" Kara started to say. "Kara," Barry said sternly, hencing her to knock it off. "Sorry," she mumbled. "Where is Harrison Wells?" Farooq asked. 

"Look, I know what happened to you. The night of the accelerator explosion, it changed you. It changed others too," Barry said and that was when Farooq realized something. 

"You were the one in the red suit. I fed on you," he said and Kara looked at Barry confused, but wouldn't say anything until she was alone with him. "I have to keep feeding," Farooq continued. "All right, I know this has to be terrifying. That's why I want to help you, okay?" Barry said. 

"The night of the explosion, when the light hit me, it stopped my heart. Jake and Darya..," he started to explain. "They were your friends," Kara said. 

"I woke up, and they were beside me, dead. They tried to give me CPR. They were touching me, and I electrocuted them," Farooq explained. "This is not your fault," Kara assured. "I know. Wells did this to me," Farooq said. 

"Farooq, you need to listen to me," Barry started to say but then Farooq tried to use his powers on Barry but Kara stood in front of him, taking the hit, but it sent them back flying back. Cisco immediately closed the door and Farooq started to bang on the door. "Not sure how long that will hold," Cisco said. "Kara, why would you do that?!" Barry snapped. 

"Because he was gonna hurt you," Kara said, while wincing in pain and Barry sighed as Caitlin bent down to Kara to check her vitals. "Done being noble, Mr. Allen?" Wells asked and Barry nodded. 

"Good. Caitlin, get you and Kara somewhere safe. Barry bring Flash here. Cisco, bring the generator online. Make sure Barry gets the charge," Wells ordered and they scattered to their rightful places expect for Cisco. "What? You're not coming with me? I am not leaving you," Cisco said. 

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