the key

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Barry was standing by the key pad as the pipeline lifted up, to reveal that Eiling was also standing there, in his cage, with his normal annoyed grin. "Mr. Allen, how nice of you to visit. Exactly how long do you intend to keep me prisoner?" He asked and Barry sighed before pressing a button on the key pad, which opened up Eiling's cage.

"Your brain scan's normal, which means Grodd is no longer controlling you. This prison is for meta-humans, so you're free to go," Barry said as Eiling walked out of the cage and started to walk away. "You will get what's coming to you eventually."

Eiling then stopped and looked back at Barry. "I am not ashamed of my actions, Mr. Allen. You've seen what these meta-humans are capable of. And these aliens your team works with. Soon, your prison won't be enough," Eiling explained.

"Not all aliens & meta-humans are dangerous," Barry said and Eiling smirked.

"Oh, you're afraid that I know you're The Flash? Or that your girlfriend and best friend are aliens?" He asked before he chuckled. "Don't get your tights in a twist; I've known for months. I wanted to come after you, I would've done it by now."

"But you think you're gonna need us," Barry said.

"Harrison Wells turned me over to that beast. He used me like a damn puppet. So like it or not, we have a common enemy, you and I. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a gorilla to hunt," Eiling said before he walked off and Barry inhaled deeply.

Med Bay

Alex was laying down on a med bed with Kara & Caitlin by her side. "I said be still. You have three fractured ribs," Caitlin said as Alex was trying to sit up.

"I'll be fine," she said.

"Alex, you need to rest," Kara said and Alex shook her head no. Kara rolled her eyes as she looked at Caitlin & Cisco.

"I can't believe Grodd became so violent," Caitlin said as curiosity filled Cisco's eyes.

"What was his lair like? Did he eat the banana? Does he like King Kong? He's more of a Planet of the Apes kind of ape?" Cisco asked Alex very fast.

"Uh, terrifying. No. And I didn't ask," Alex said and Cisco looked disappointed. "Do you guys mind if I talk to my sister alone?" Alex asked and Caitlin & Cisco nodded before they walked off. Kara then looked at Alex and took her hand. "When I was with that gorilla, I thought, I'm gonna die down here. And all I could think about was how you and me were in a fight," Alex said and Kara looked saddened.

"Alex, I was so afraid that something would happen to you," she said and Alex squeezed Kara's hand.

"My life started when you came to live with us. At first I hated you, because you were so amazing and I couldn't even compare. But now, sometimes my incredible love for you, it blinds me, and I forget...I forget what a brilliant young woman you are, how you're capable of making your own decisions," Alex explained and Kara slightly smiled.

"Alex, I know that everything that you do is out of love. So love me enough to always tell me the truth. Yeah?" She asked and Alex nodded.

"Deal," she said.

"Deal," Kara said before she hugged Alex but accidentally squished her.

"Ow! Oh!" Alex exclaimed and Kara quickly broke the hug.

"Oh. Oh, my bad," she said before they started laughing.

Back Room

Barry & Mon were sitting down when Caitlin & Cisco walked in. "Maybe it's a good thing we didn't catch Grodd. Where would we put him? I mean, the pipeline isn't exactly equipped to hold a super-intelligent, telepathic gorilla," Caitlin said as she sat next to Mon and he smiled at her.

"Joe mentioned that Grodd called Wells Father. And Wells must have ordered Grodd to come after us. It's why Grodd didn't kill Joe. I think Joe is right. Everything Grodd did, it was just to distract us," Barry explained and they all nodded. But then Mon noticed Cisco was in deep thought.

"What's going on? Are you okay?" He asked and Cisco realized he was being talked to.

"Just thinking about this headset. It wasn't strong enough. You could've been killed out there, man," Cisco said.

"No, dude, your tech worked, and it proved that we don't need Wells. The four of us took on Grodd and rescued Joe. Together, we can do anything," Barry explained and Caitlin smiled.

"Actually, it was the five of us," Caitlin said, referring to Kara, which made Barry smile.


Kara was standing on the roof, looking over her city in deep thought when she felt a gust of wind zoom past her. She turned around to find Barry, in his normal clothes, with his hands in his pockets. "Hey," he said and she eyed him.

"Hey. How did you know I was here?" She asked.

"This is your spot. You come here when you want to think," Barry said and Kara inhaled sharply.

"Yeah. It's a special spot. It's my meeting place with The Flash," she said and Barry slightly smiled. "All those times, you were standing right in front of me, and I had no idea. I don't even know you anymore," Kara said and Barry sighed.

"Kara, what you were saying to me when I was down the sewer...You know why I wasn't afraid? Because you were there. You were there wrapping your arms around me. You were there when I was so scared to stand up to Grodd. And you refused to move until I was okay. I was able to stand up to him and get my head straight because you were there. Every time I falter or make a mistake, the thought of you is what picks me up and keeps me going. Look, what I'm trying to say is, even though you didn't know everything about my life these past two years, that does not mean that you weren't a part of it. You were. Every single day. Without you, I wouldn't be able to do this," Barry said and Kara sharply inhaled. "And it would really suck if you hated me."

Kara shook her head and crossed her arms. "I don't hate you. I can't hate you. I don't hate you because I love you. I don't hate Iris and everyone else for lying to me for so long. I hate myself...because a part of me always knew you were The Flash but I just wouldn't accept it," Kara explained and Barry started to smile before he started to walk towards her. "But I need think...I love you, Barry, but I just need to think," She continued and Barry nodded.

"I understand. Take your time. I'll wait for you," he said and Kara sighed. "I'll always wait for you," he finished before he zoomed off. Kara watched him zoom out of her city and back to his, with a depressed frown.


Iris was sitting down, staring at the cell, remembering the first time she was ever in that room.

"I'm Iris West, by the way."

"I'm Mon-El."

Her daydreaming was cut short when Mon-El walked in and sat next to her. "What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Looking for you. I figured you'd be here," he said and she smiled.

"Well, it is a very special place. It's where I met a very sassy Daxamite," she said and Mon chuckled.

"You technically met that very handsome Daxamite in the med bay, where he tried to kill you," He said and Iris let out a chuckle.

"He just didn't know where he was," she said and Mon smiled.

Iris was silent for a while as she thought about the past two years but it didn't matter. "I've thought about what you said, and maybe you were right. I have been thinking about you, about us. But I can't do that anymore. Eddie is the man that I live with, the man that I love, and he's still missing," Iris told him and Mon painfully nodded.

"I know. I'm gonna bring him back. And after that?" Mon asked but Iris hesitantly answered.

"I don't know," she mumbled before she put her head on his shoulder. "I don't know."

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