kara's death

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Kara's Apartment

Barry, Mon & Iris walked in to find Kara on the phone, trying to get a hold of Alex. She looked at them then back at her phone. "Hey, have you heard from Alex? She's not answering her cell," Kara said.

"Uh, no. I haven't talked to her," Barry said.

"I'm starting to worry about her," she said before she looked up at her friends. "What are you doing here?"

"I was looking for you, actually. I just met your friend Mason, and he said he had some kind of proof that Dr. Wells did something. Do you know what it is?" Barry asked.

"No, he hasn't told me," Kara said as Iris sat down at the island.

"All right," Barry said then Iris decided to go off subject.

"So, how are things going with Linda?" Iris asked Mon and everyone looked at her with confused expressions.

"Why do you say it like that?" Kara asked.

"Like what?" Iris asked.

"Like how you used to always say Becky Cooper," Barry said.

"Or how you say Siobhan Smythe," Mon said and Iris let out a chuckle.

"Oh, come on. Becky Cooper was a nightmare of a high school girlfriend, and you should have never dated her," Iris said to Barry. "And Siobhan Smythe is psychotic," she said to Mon.

"Okay, so you're saying that Linda is Siobhan-Becky material?" Mon asked.

"I mean, I wouldn't go that far. She's...hot and nice and smart and she is really good at her job. I just...I don't think that she's the right one for you," Iris explained and Mon looked down, as Barry & Kara awkwardly looked at them. "Then who is?" Mon asked and Iris's breathe hitched up.


Cisco hooked everything up and continued to check everything but just like before, it came back normal. "What? I don't understand. This doesn't make any sense," he said but then the machine sparked. Cisco looked up and saw the Reverse-Flash in the trap, looking at him. He stared at him with terror.

Abandoned Building
Central City

J'onn & Alex entered a room, where it seemed to be a bedroom of some kind. J'onn put his hand over the plate of food left on the table, and it was still hot. "Somebody was here very recently," he said as Alex picked up a newspaper article off the bed.

"He left this here for me," she said.

"Where to next?" J'onn asked but then a gust of wind opened the window and took Alex. "ALEX!"

Top of a Building
Central City

The next thing Alex remembered, was her waking up on a roof, and all she could feel was that her entire body was in pain. She could feel blood dripping in her mouth, and her leg was broken. Mark turned to her once she woke up. "Small miracle you only broke the one leg, Alex. The night I got sucked out of my plane, I broke almost every bone in my body," Mark said as he bent down and placed a hand on her leg. She winced in pain as Mark grinned. "It was excruciating. At least you got a small taste of what that felt like. Still...Guess you'll never know what it really feels like to be God," He continued but Alex chuckled.

"That's what your brother said, right before I killed him," she said but Mark punched her.

"I don't need these powers to end your life," he said.

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