Part 11

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You vanished like rainy season did, after 2 months...

"Rain! Can you help me out here, please?" I came out of daze when Jimin called me.

I looked up at him and saw him with a sly smile. He was holding a mop and looking at me expectantly. "Huh?"
I questioned not exactly getting his words.

He chuckled and shook his head,"Yoongi isn't here today. He went home early. So I'm cleaning cafe alone, wanna join me?"

I smiled slightly and nodded,"Sure,Jiminie."

I walked out of the desk and took a mop given by Jimin. I moved to the tables and chairs at the corner and started wiping it clean.

It had been 2 whole weeks that I had last seen Taehyung. He vanished like those sweet rain drops did. It had not rained for 2 weeks and Taehyung had also stopped showing up. He was lost. He didn't picked up calls and didn't even replied my messages. I didn't knew where was his home so I didn't knew anything about him. Actually, I didn't knew anything else about him except his name and his friends. I did interrogated them about him but they just smiled and told me that he will come soon. I need not worry.

But I couldn't help but worry about him. The thought about being away from him used to make me so unwell and now he was completely out of reach. I lost him, and was the thing which made me so broken. The unconsious fear ate me up from inside. My brothers were the support that I was living but the 2 months I had spent with Taehyung were like that was what I lived for. Taehyung was my cause of my wish to live and enjoy. But he was gone and everything felt so worn out.

"Rain?" I snapped my head to Jimin and saw him confused.

"Any problem Jimin?" I questioned.

He shook his head and looked towards my hand. I followed his graze and realized that I was still mopping the table from where I decided to clean. My eyes widen and looked around. Everything was shining, mopped well. I looked at Jimin apologetically,"I'm so sorry, Jimin. You had to clean all alone-"

"It's ok, Rain. It's my job anyway." He tried to cheer me up but my lips were tired to stretch into a smile and gave a very weak one.

"Worried about Taehyung?" He looked at me sternly.

I slowly nodded being unable to speak up because of try of the hold back of my tears.

He sighed and held my hands. "I don't want to assume things but I think he was never for you. He may have, you know..." He was uncomfortable to just let out the next words. He looked down and gulped.

I smiled bitterly and took my hands back. "It's ok. But I don't think that Taehyung will cheat on me. He is too pure."

Jimin bit his inner cheek and nodded. "I will close the cafe. You can go home now. Be safe and careful."

I nodded but was sure he didn't saw it as he had already looked away. I walked out with the bell jingling. My feets were making it's way to the apartment while my eyes trying its best to look everwhere to find that particular person, Taehyung.

There were many imaginations that were popping out in my head. And ever single imagines were related to Taehyung. Wanting him- needing him to pop out from anywhere and me holding him so tight and never letting him go.

I was infront of the door of my apartment without having any notice. I took out the keys and licked my lips, preparing to face my brother with a wide fake smile. They really didn't deserve me but still they were taking care of me. I was ashamed of myself not being able to appreciate my brothers' effort properly.

I put on a wide smile and walked in unlocking the door. It soon turned to a frown when I saw Yoongi and Seokjin straddling each other with the suitcases all over.

They grinned and shouted.

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