Are you insane?

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Hey lovelies... here's the fifth chapter.. I hope you'll like it..

Listen to the song :'thinking about you by Sofia feat. BOHEMIA'


I am unblinkingly glaring at my ringing Mobile.. I know this is Aarav's number but why does He need to call me? Whatever I am not gonna pick it up. when it stops ringing, I turn it on a silent mode. I don't want to talk to Aarav, I know he must have something sarcastic to say, and I don't want to be prey of his so called cool attitude.

Thanks to Aarav, I ain't able to rest now, I get up, go to kitchen and prepare instant noodles for me, I am about to eat spoonful of it,when my door bell rings, I think my parents have returned, so I eat mouth full of the noodles and open a door.

I am shocked because it is Aarav, standing in front of my eyes, I feel so embarrassed, I put both my hands on my mouth, engulf half chewed noodles and ask,"what brings you here?"

He is looking angry, sweat is all over his forehead, he asks in a loud voice,"are you insane? Why didn't you answer my call?"

I shrug at him and open my mouth to say, "it's my phone" but he interrupts me raising his hand up and says," now listen to me you silly girl, Kiara wanted to talk to you, so we were coming to your place and we met with an accident."

I become tense and ask, "oh my god where is she? Is she alright?" He rolls his eyes, " I don't know, she passed out so I drove her to the hospital and called you to inform. But you didn't receive my call. Then I Called Anurag, thank God he is not like you" I interrupt,"ok take me to the hospital please."

I hurriedly go inside, take my phone, inform our maid and step outside.

Aarav takes his car in reverse, I see there are many scratches on a side, one side mirror is broken, he halts his car in front of me to get in.

I silently take a passenger's seat, unlock my cell phone to call my mom, and I see 5 missed call and 1 message from Aarav.

I look at him with corner of my eyes, he is busy in driving. I message my mom that I am going to my friend's home for assignment, and ask Aarav in which hospital she is admitted? He answers in flat voice,"the general hospital at the side of the road."

I say in a low voice,"I am sorry for not receiving your call." He doesn't speak a word. He still looks angry so I ask," how is this accident occurred?" He says without looking at me," I'll give you every detail, can you keep silence for now?"

I am furious at him, cause I don't like the way he is speaking to me but I am more worried about my friend so I shut my mouth and message to Anurag asking, how is she? But he must be busy so he doesn't read my message.

Within 15 minutes we reach at the hospital, as the car stops, I get out and sprint towards the hospital's main door, ask in reception, and go to Kiara's room, push it to open and I see that Kiara is sitting on the bed resting her back and talking with Anurag.

They both glance at me. I go to her bed and hug her tightly, she says,"hey" I ask releasing her, "how are you dear?" She shrugs, "fine". I sit beside Anurag waving 'hi' to him, Aarav joins us too.

I ask, "so tell me what happened?" Kia explains in a low voice "we were heading towards your place, that at the corner of your house, as I took the left turn, I hit the car with near by wall." And she giggles, I furrow and say, "you must be careful while driving, you always drive in high speed." she nods,"hmmm".

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