Chapter 1

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As Felicity was sitting in the foundry she could remember the day it first happened. How she only was 5 years old when it first started, and how at that age she had believed what had happened was right.. Of course that changed when one day she had a sex class where the teacher talked about when people force themself's on you or forces you to touch them, that was not right. Kids should never ever have to go through that.. Under no circumstances and she knew that, that day in class.

What he had done to her and forced her to do.. That wasn't right.. It never would be.. Felicity felt sick to her stomach just thinking back on all that happened.. Her life had changed so much because of it.. Both negative ways and positive ways. She never trusted people that easily, especially guys.. She trusted. Oliver, Roy and Diggle work ways but not personal ways.. She would always have that issue when it comes to trust and let people in. That would always be there.

That was why Felicity had escaped from Las Vegas to get away from everything that had happened.. When she first had left everything behind she had not known where she would go, just that she had to Get as far away from her past and everything that reminded her of what happened.. When she first had arrived in Starling City she had not planned to work for people like the Arrow/Oliver Queen , but the moment she had started she knew it could be her drug and medicin to hide all the pain and hurt she still was going through after so many years.. Her mom had been very supportive over the years..

At first after what had happened her mom had been very distant from her cause her mom knew how hard it must have been for her.. And her mom really didn't want to make things harder.. Of course she had came to her senses when Felicity had found out she was pregnant, and when she had lost the baby. Ever since her mom always had been there for her.

However what Felicity had not exspected at all was the fact that , she slowly had started to get deep feelings for Oliver, so deep that she knew she was in love with him.. But she would never ever act on those feelings cause of her past and the fact of Oliver's relationships track record.. Felicity was so deep in her thoughts that she didn't even hear the door to the foundry open or the steps down the stairs.

However that changed when she felt a hand on her shoulder as she tensed up and quickly moved to the side making the hand on her shoulder fall down.

"Felicity are you okay?" Oliver asked concerned as Felicity had never really tensed up when he touched her shoulder before.

"What?" She snapped and turn to him. "Sorry.. What?" She said in a more soft voice.

"He asked if you are okay Felicity." Diggle confirmed as he came down the stairs.

"Oh.. Yeah.. I'm okay." Felicity lied.. "So what is our new mission today?" She ask and look at Oliver.

Oliver looked at her and could tell she was lying. She was not okay and that worried him. But for now he was not gonna push the issue.. He believed that Felicity would tell him when it was right for her. Now they had a rapist and a murder to stop. "A woman was found dead and raped outside a club tonight." Oliver said and looked at her.

When Felicity heard the word rape she felt sick to her stomach.. "I see.. What do you need me to look for?" She asked trying to hide how tense she was cause of the word rape.

"I need you to check all the security camera's and see if you can see whoever that raped and killed that girl." He demanded and walked over to the salamon ladder and started to work out.

Her fingers was flying over the keys when suddenly they stopped and she froze. " It can't be.. It must be a mistake." She repeated over and over looking at the man in the video camera..

"Felicity what's wrong?" Oliver ask at her tensed voice as he jumped down from the laddar and came back to where she was sitting in her chair.. He look from the computer and down at her , as her eyes kept going back from the floor and back up at the man in the video camera.

"I.." She trailed off and clear her throat.. "I know who this man is." Felicity whispered as she felt tears in her eyes.

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