Chapter 2: Breaking curfew and deals with the Devil

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             I tried to be quiet when i got home, hoping my parents hadn't waited up and decided to wait to tell me whatever they needed to until morning. But no such luck. As soon as I opened the door I knew that they were still awake. On account of the fact that they were standing right in front of the door, waiting for me.

              "Indigo Levana! Where have you been?! We told you to be home by ten!" My parents managed to scream this simultaneously. Which you have to admit, is kind of impressive. I didn't bother trying to explain because they'd think it was an excuse. So all i did was apologize and wait for what was next.

            "Go sit down in the living room Indigo." My mom said this is in a very tired voice.

             I didn't question but when i reached the entrance to the living room I stopped dead in my tracks. There were two guys sitting on the couch. Now for most this wouldn't be a reason to freak out, even given the time. But there was something about them that just seemed.... Off. But I had to admit that they were absolutely gorgeous!

              The one that seemed younger maybe 18 or 19 had long black hair and grey eyes. He was wearing a black and grey striped shirt with black pants. He was also wearing a to die for pair of boots. 

              The older one whose age I couldn't pinpoint, was dressed in a simple black suit and a red dress shirt.

              I went back to looking at the younger boy and I realized that he was staring at me too. I felt embaressed at being caught so I blushed and looked away and heard someone (I'm guessing him) chuckle.  

             My parents chose the perfect time to come in. My mom looked at me and pointed to a chair where I went and sat. I sat there and waited for somebody to say something but everybody just kept staring at me like they were waiting for me to grow a tail or something.

            "What?!" I snapped because now I was starting to get kind of pissed off. The boy with the long hair smirked and leaned back in the couch. Me talking seemed to make everyone realize that they were staring and they all shuffled and fidgeted.

            "Indigo," my mom said softly "this is Lucifer and his son Aubrey." The long haired boy Aubrey nods his head when my mom says his name. Lucifer however holds out his hand for me to shake. 

             After I do, I can't hold in my questions any longer.

            "Okay now that we have niceties out of the way. What the HELL does this have to do with what you wanted to tell me?"

            Aubrey and his dad exchange a look and then turn back to me. Lucifer looks at my parents and gestures for them to continue. My mom has a guilty look on her face and my dad's face is completely blank. He hasn't said anything since we sat down. My mom sighs and runs her hand through her hair. Then she starts her explanation.

             "Ok, Indigo, it all started right after you were born," she starts,"we went to pick you up from the nursery. We got you and were about to go home but then you stopped breathing." My mom chokes on the last part like it's hard to remember.

             "Mom, I already know this. The doctors took me to the nicu and saved me. We've been over this." I said not understanding why she was telling me this.

             "Yes honey," she continued,"But that's not what really happened, that's just what we told you. What really happened was that the doctors were about to pronounce you dead. I don't know what happened exactly but I prayed for someone, anyone, to save you. And then Lucifer showed up."

             "Ok, so you're telling me that he what, snapped his fingers and all was right with the world? What is he, a magician?" I asked rather sarcastically.

              "For lack of a way of explaining, yes he did "snap his fingers", and no he isn't a magician" my mom says back snarkily. Hey I had to get my attitude from somewhere.

              I question her with, "Than what praytell my lovely mother, is he?"

             Instead of her responding like I expected Lucifer leans forward and speaks,"Well that depends. Do you believe in god?"

              "I'm a pagan. What does that have to do with anything?" I said suspiciously. What was going on?

              "Well than that makes this a little bit more complicated to explain. But to put it simply, I'm what modern christian society would call the devil or Satan, whichever you prefer." He says this simply as if this is an everyday occurence. I'm pretty sure my mouth drops open but if it does I recover quickly because I still have to know.

              "Ok, sure. Still not understanding what this has to do with the current situation." I am starting to get pretty frustrated. Why the fuck can't anyone give me a straight answer?!

               "Indigo," my mom says as she puts her hand on top of mine from where she sits,"We had to make a deal. Lucifer agreed to save you on one condition."

                "And that condition waaaaaaaaaaasssss???????" I say wanting her to get on with it.

                " We had to agree to give you to Lucifer when you turn 17 as payment." My mom turns her face away when she says this as if she can't bare the shame.

                  "What?" I say in disbelief. What the fuck is this, I'm thinking. My parents sold me? No way this must be a joke. But then I think of something. I turn to Lucifer, "Why do you even want with me Lucifer?" Aubrey leans forward with this like he wants to know too.

                    "Yeah dad. What do you want with her?" he says in his suprisingly british accented voice. We both looked at Lucifer and raised our eyebrows in question.

                    "Indigo, what I want with you is for you to come to "hell" and be my son Aubrey's bride."  He says this like it should have been obvious. Aubrey and I look at each other in disbelief.

                    "You gotta be kidding." we say simultaneously but then I say, "I don't wanna get married yet, i'm not even 17 yet!"

                      "Actually, Indigo" my mom says," You are. It's past midnight and now it's officially your birthday."

                     "Thanks for the help mom," I say this in the most sarcastic voice possible "That makes everything better."

                       "Now Indigo," Lucifer says calmly,"There's no need to be mean to your mother. However i'm afraid we don't have much time left, if there's anything you want to take with you I suggest you grab it now. We'll be leaving soon."

                        "Hell no," I say as i'm standing up,"I'm not going anywhere with you." At this I grab my phone and run out the door, and run to the only place I can think of.

 Lorelei's house.

Hey everybody. Don't have much to say. Gonna try and post again soon. Rate, comment, and vote please. Bye everyone.                      -EnchantedWood   

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