Chapter Two: The Party

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Chris came back into Bethany's room and went to her closet. I walked up behind her and gave her a hug and kissed her cheek.

"Sam what are you doing?" She asked still looking through Bethany's clothes

"I'm hugging you and kissing you cheek." I said with my lips still on her cheek

"Sam you can't I'm helping Beth get ready you know how important her 18th birthday party is to her right now." She said and turned around in my arms

She wrapped her arms around my neck and I grabbed her ass.

"Sammy don't please." She said

"Your the on that made the move to turn around." I said and kissed her lips

I felt eyes in us so I turned around and seen Nate Bethany and Kylie all looking at us.

"God get a room will ya?" Nate said and walked over and punched me

"Let's finish.... you make up." Kylie said and took Bethany into the bathroom

Chris went back into Bethany's closet. Nate sat down next to me on the bed.


Skate: her ass is fine

Me: your looking at Bethany right

Skate: maybe maybe not

Me: dude you need to be checking her out instead of other girls

Skate: why do I have to

Me: do you remember when she almost died because you slept with that stripper

Skate: ya sorry my eyes wonder

Me: I'm just trying to keep my friends from getting hurt

''Ok so how dose this look?" Chris said kind if whispering so Bethany wouldn't hear

She got out a black skater skirt with a tie dye crop top the said Only Good Vibes with black Vans.

"That will look amazing on her." Nate said as soon as he said that Bethany walked out

"Did you find an outfit Tina?" Bethany asked

"Yup here ya go." Chris said and gave Bethany the outfit and sat down next to me

Chris moved my arm and she scooted closer and laid my arm around her waist and put my hand on her thigh. She put her head on my chest. Nate got up and went down stairs Kylie was in the living room.

"Sam." Chris said and looked up at me

"Ya Chris?"

"I want to be like this forever."

"I do too." I said and kissed her forehead

"How do I look?" Bethany said

"You look awesome!" Chris said

"Ya Nates down stairs... I think he will love it." I said she went down stairs

Chris got up and I seen her look out the door and shut it. She walked back and climbed on top then she pressed her lips onto mine. Her lips were so soft. My tongue was asking to enter and it was excepted. She wrapped her arms around my neck like always and I put my hands on her ass. I squeezed and she squealed.

"That hurt." She whispered still with her lips squished against mine

"What are you going to do?"

She bit my tongue I opened my eyes and pulled my head back.

"Now that hurt." I said touching my tonuge to see if it was bleeding

"You asked and I did." She said and turned and laid her head on my lap looking up at me

"Chris I love you." I said playing with her hair

"I love you too Sam." She said I leaned over and pecked her lips

"OK you guys didn't do anything in my bed now did you cause I have to sleep there tonight." Bethany said walking into her room

"No we did make out for a little bit but nothing more." I said

"Ok good because I don't want to burn my good sheets." She said and we started to laugh


"Bethany the party's here!" Jack G yelled

"Oh god I wonder if everyone is out in the garage." Bethany said and walked out of her room

We walked down stairs and talked for a minute then went into the garage.

"... Every one is here and are ready to party. Just letting you know and hopefully you don't get into trouble but Josh brought beer, vodka, and the shots... So good luck." Jack G said and walked away

I looked around and seen most of everyone were taking shots of vodka and other stuff.

"Hey if you want to go we can go I'm not holding you back." I told Chris and rubbed her back

I knew how she was with alcohol and how she didn't like it at all. She wasn't like that. Alcohol to her was like her watching people drink this stuff that looked like water and get messed up after.

"No I'm ok... We're here to be with beth its her birthday and we can stay." She said and looked up at me with a worried look in her eyes

We walked through the party hand in hand.

"Hey girly you look hot wanna go make out in my car?" A guy said and started to put his hand up Chris's shirt

"Hey Buddie she's my girlfriend!" I said and pushed him back

"What are you going to do about it?" he said and pushed me back

I walked up to him and punched him in the face. He hit back. We got into a fight all I could think is that he touched Chris. When I seen the blood, his broken nose and swollen shut eye I backed off.

"That's what imma do." I said and kicked him in the side

Chris was crying so I went and hugged her. She baried her face in my chest. When she stopped I put my arm around her and we walked over to Bethany.

"Hey were going to leave if anything gets out of hand call me and Ill come help and I think Nate would help too." I said

"OK thanks for coming see you guys tomorrow right?"

"Ya I'll text you guys and we can meet up somewhere." Chris said

"OK see you guys tomorrow!" Bethany said and gave us both a hug and walked back over to Nate

We got into my car but I didn't start it yet.

"Chris are you ok?" I asked and turned to look at her

"Ya he was just a drunk." She said and looked down at the floor

"Hey he was drunk that's why I did that even if he wasn't he still shouldn't have done that." I said and picked up her head with my finger so she was looking at me

"I know but thank you." She said and leaned over and kissed me

"That's what I'm sopposed to do I'm yours and your mine." I said

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