Chapter 4: Sit With Me

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Nishinoya's POV

I looked away from Asahi, trying to evade the sight of whatever he was puking up, shutting my eyes tight and cringing. He sounds like he's in pain.
I couldn't look away for much longer because I could hear a tiny sob escape from Asahi, despite being sick in the garbage can.
He had tears in the corners of his eyes as he continued. Does it hurt him to throw up? I should do something, something to comfort him...
I sprinted to the spot beside him, almost slipping in the hardwood in the process, then gently reached my hands down beside his head, grasping his hair and pulling it back behind his head. I switched to holding the brunette's hair with one hand, and used my free hand to rub his back soothingly in circles.
All I could do was watch him; I couldn't do much else.
I felt as his body tensed up every time he hurled, then relaxed for just a second as he breathed heavily. He paused for a moment, sitting there with his head giving overtop of the trash can, basically heaving his breath in and out.
"....Thanks for holding my..." he whispered, then inhaled a deep amount of breath,"my hair back."
I let the soft strands of hair fall loosely out of my hand, making sure it stayed behind his shoulders. "Yeah, no problem. Are you alright? That looked painful," I questioned him, turning my head sideways and moving so I could se his face.
He just shrugged; if you can even call it a shrug. It was more like a twitch or a shiver.
I propped his pillow up behind him, then gently pushed on his shoulder, cueing him to sit back. I took his garbage can, suddenly inhaling a wretched waft of putrid smells. I gagged.
"Please don't throw up, Nishinoya," he whispered weakly, giving a small, pitiful chuckle.
I smiled, placing the garbage can down beside his bed again, "Don't you worry, Asahi! I won't puke. I'm here to make sure you are the MOST comfortable sick man in the world! That being said, is there anything you need?" I transitioned the conversation.
Asahi looked away for a moment, stroking his goatee tenderly with his fingers. "Can... we go downstairs?" he asked, "and... I would love some... tea."
"Sure thing! But will you be able to walk without.. uh.." I didn't want to say it just in case it made him do it.
"I don't know. I'll bring my garbage can," he replied, beginning to heave his heavy body off of the bed.
I led us slowly down the stairs and into the living room, setting up a little place for Asahi to lay down on the couch. He clutched his stomach the whole way there with his arm, making me wonder if he was in any pain.
He slowly placed his head on the squishy, soft pillow, lifting his muscly legs up... I was reminded he was still in his underwear.
"Is it too hot for pants?" I asked in a sort of joking tone of voice.
       "Huh? Oh— AH! I'm so sorry!" He spoke normally, as if that was the closest thing to yelling he had. He took another breath. "I'm sorry, I hope I don't make you uncomfortable. I just didn't think that you would care"
-big breath- "but if you do then I can-."
        "Oh, no it's not like that, Asahi! I was just joking. Also, stop talking so harshly! You're going to make your throat worse," I chuckled, putting a finger up to his mouth. He was so cute when he got like that; thinking he made me uncomfortable and apologizing... he doesn't have the right to look that cute!
       He weakly smiled at me, his locks of hair falling in front of his face.
        Resisting he urge to touch his hair and pull it from his face, I asked him what tea he wanted.
        "You know, my favourite," he whispered.
         I smiled enthusiastically, then went into the kitchen.
He's so quiet when he's sick... it's... attractive!? I opened the line of cupboards until I had found the one with the tea in it, then got out a kettle and filled it with water, placing it on the stove.
RIIIIIIING! RIIIIIIIING! RIIIIIIIING! The loud noise of my phone, once again, scared the crap out of me.
        I basically jumped four feet off of the floor whilst trying to dig my phone from my pocket before it disturbed Asahi. He could have been about to fall asleep!
        I barely glimpsed at the screen before I smacked the answer button and shoved my phone to my ear.
        "Hello!?" I muttered.
        "Noya! You hung up on me earlier so I called again," Tanaka complained. "Are you at... the Ace's?"
        "You can say his name you know. You're not on speaker phone, and I'm in the kitchen! What's up??" I held my phone with my left hand as I began to open the container of tea.
        "Are you gonna ask 'em out? What are you guys doing right now? Getting it on—HAHAHA!" He cackled loudly into the speaker.
        "Are you crazy?! You know how Asahi's mom feels about... homosexuality... he'd probably flat out reject me, and maybe even stop talking with me if I did that! Besides, he's sick right now. I'm making tea," I replied quietly so that Asahi would definitely not be able to hear me. I poured the boiling water into the cup with the teabag in it, carefully as to not spill it all over the counter.
        "Hey, you're gonna be a nice house wife for... him... oh right. Will you ever confess to him?" Tanaka's tone softened towards me, making him sound sort of out of character.
        It was a valid question. Would I ever be man enough to tell Asahi, one of my closest friends, who's parents frown upon the LGBTQ, that I love him? In this case, I was a coward. I was too scared of the possible consequences of expressing my love.
I couldn't like him... I've tried before to stop. I've tried before to force myself to like somebody like Kiyoko. I've tried to force myself to stop being attracted to Asahi. But... I can't. He was always so nice to me, and always has been there for me. He was so friendly, and he was so... manly. He's tall, he has a goatee- A GOATEE!-, and his hair looks so soft. I just want to run my fingers through his hair and lay him down on my chest. I want him to be the little spoon since he deserves it, and I'll rub his face, then, I'll lean down, and kiss his head.
"I don't think... I don't want to ruin our friendship, Ryu. Besides, even if it didn't ruin our friendship, and he could reject me without us losing it, it would still be awkward. It doesn't matter how much I love him... it can't change how he and his parents feel about it," I explained while pouring a small bit of almond milk into the teacup.
"Hmm... you know what? I'll ask him how he feels about you," Tanaka's tone changed, as if he had just thought up the most brilliant plan ever.
I stirred the milk into the tea. "No! You can't ask him!"
"Why not?"
"Because! He would probably guess that you're asking for me, since we are always talking and having fun! He would see right through it..." my voice wandered off. How bad would that be? Asahi finding out that Ryu was asking him for me— he would know that I was a coward!
"What if Daichi-san and
Sugawara-san ask him? We can tell them about your bisexuality-thingy-thing and we can get them to ask him! Then he would have no reason to be suspicious," Tanaka suggested; now he was thinking, but I didn't know how to feel about it.
"I... don't want to tell anybody else. What... what if they don't like me anymore? They'll think I'm disgusting!" I almost raised my voice, but I soon recalled that Asahi was only in the next room over.
        "Yuu. Daichi and Suga probably will be the most supportive of you. Tell them, and I promise you that they will try and help," Tanaka explained.
        It was possible... they could be super nice about it... but will they support me trying to be in a relationship with Asahi, who doesn't believe in this kind of stuff? I didn't think that Daichi-san  or Sugawara-san would... but.. they were the most compassionate people I knew. I would have to ask them. Just... maybe not until later. I thought.
         Before I could answer, I heard footsteps against the wooden floors behind me.
        Whipping around, Asahi was walking in with a blanket wrapped around himself, only revealing his toes as he sauntered.
         "Asahi! GET BACK ON THE COUCH!" I yelled, hanging up the phone and rushing up to my towering teammate.
      "I... just wanted to see why you were taking so long... ah! I'm sorry for... being impatient..." he lowered his head apologetically.
        "No, no! It's alright.. I just don't want you getting sick onto the floor or something. Just go lay back down, I have your tea right here," I grinned at him, carefully caring the cup of tea into the living room with Asahi in front of me.
        Once he was comfy on the couch again with his tea, I sat down as well on the floor. He covered his lower half with a blanket, then sipped his tea.
         He's holding the cup with both hands, but it's not that big... he looks like a toddler! I thought, resting my chin on my hand.
         I looked out the large window at the rain. Since I had got there it started to pour harder; I was only worried that there would be thunder... Asahi didn't need any more torture than what he was already going through. Although I hoped here wouldn't be thunder, I subconsciously knew that later there would be, and there was nothing I could do about it.
         "Nishinoya," Asahi's voice became smoother— an affect caused by the tea. "Please sit up here with me. I feel bad... that you're on the floor."
       I waved my hand dismissively, "I'm fine down here, don't feel bad! Just drink your tea and relax," I replied, shutting my eyes with a smile.

Asahi's POV

        "I'm fine down here," Nishinoya had said, but I still didn't like the fact he was just on the floor. Did he not WANT to sit up here with me? Maybe it's because I'm half naked.. no, he said he was fine with that before.. I should be stern. Assertive. I should make him sit up here with me! If he really doesn't want to because of me, he'll argue.
I always had a habit of overthinking things when I'm sick.
         "Nishinoya, please sit up here with me."
        Then I remembered: I can't be stern if it were to save my life.
         "It's ok, really, Asahi. You can stretch out your legs and lay down if you want~," he didn't even look fazed by me pretending to be stern.
         No!! Come sit with me!! Please? I need you up here with me right now! Is what I wanted to say. I didn't have the energy to keep arguing though, so instead I did something else.
       Before he could react to my actions, I slid an arm as far on his shoulder as I could go in sort of a hug. I didn't know why I just had to do something physical, but I felt like I needed to.
         "A-Asahi!! Ok I'll sit with you!" He stuttered awkwardly.
        Oh no! Did I overdo it by hugging him? Oh no, oh no... I worried as he stood up and sat down beside me.


Sorry this is only half as long as my last 3! I totally forgot that this story existed, and I also got lazy lololol. Uhhhhhh, idk, put your favourite Haikyuu ship in the comments??? I might write something??? Heheheh Ill try to update ASAP :)

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