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"But mom,I thought.."
"Not now honey,you need to meet him. He's been waiting for you all afternoon"
I turn around and go in to meet him. Standing there, I see him going around the room looking at some of my dad's antiques.
I clear my throat to get his attention and he turns around.

"Pardon my lateness Mr.Frey, I didn't expect you to visit"
"Tis okay my lady, I believe I didn't relay the message properly last night"
"Oh I see,it's my fault then"
"Oh no that's not what I meant, I'm sorry if that's what you think"
I saw his nervousness from the way he tried to explain himself. I know I'm being hard on him but I just can't help it with how fast all this is running.

I mean how was I supposed to know that the "Almighty Eric Frey" will come to my house, and to court me at that.
This is getting out of hand fast and I need to do something about it, putting the smile back on my face I try to salvage the situation.

"I'm sorry about that Mr.Frey but it's just that I'm a little out of it with your abrupt visit. Do forgive my manners."
"No offense taken my lady and please call me Eric, I get confused as to whom you're calling when you say that.
My father is Mr.Frey you know."
"Haha ok then Eric", I laugh at the joke he's trying to make.

"So would you like to accompany me to walk?"
I smiled and nod,we go out of the house and walk around the estate with him talking and me listening.
"So I guess you have heard about my purpose here already.
I'm not trying to force you or anything like that but I just want to let you know of my intentions."
I say nothing to that and he goes on.
"I have been taken by your smile at the ball and I would like us to get to know each other more.
We can be friends for the time being if you allow me that chance."
"I am flattered,Eric and I also want you to know that I'm not thinking of getting a suitor now but I also like to hear your stories so I'll accept your offer on being friends."
I saw his disappointment before he replaced it with a smile but I hope I've made my intentions to him clear enough.
We continue strolling around and conversing with him telling me more about himself and the time pass by fast without my realisation and soon it's time to go.

"I had a wonderful time Eric,your stories always leave me amazed"
"I'm glad you're not bored because everyone else seems that way to me when I start going on about it. They say I always go on and on and don't seem to know when to stop"
"Well, it's quite interesting to me so please you can continue" we laugh together and make our way back to the house.

"Then I'll take my leave Mrs. Han,Emma"Eric says before leaving.
"Yes young man, have a safe journey home"
We watch him leave before going inside and my mom is already giving me that look.
"Oh mother it was just a chat nothing else"
"But I didn't say anything dear"
"Uh", I roll my eyes at her, frustrated, then go upstairs to change.

"Hurry down for supper Emma, I knew I should have insisted on that young man staying for dinner"

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