Beep, beep, and beep.

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Lillian gets visits from people she doesn't remember, and a presence gives her conflicting feelings.

Lillian gets visits from people she doesn't remember, and a presence gives her conflicting feelings

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There was an itch on her nose and a beep.

There was a fucking beep.

It went beep, beep, and beep.

"Someone, please shut that thing off,..." she said.

In truth, all he heard was a groan.

"I see you've finally decided to join the party, kiddo."

That voice. She knew it. From where, though? That was the question.

She tried to scratch the itch. It was a bad move. Her body ached to no end, and she wanted to die. Her chest burned, and she had trouble breathing.

Something was in her mouth, going down all the way inside her body. She could feel it inside her neck. She tried to rip that thing off, but her hand wasn't obeying her.

And that fucking beep.

It went beep, beep, and beep. Just faster now.

"I swear I'll give a thousand dollars to whoever scratches my nose." She promised.

And again, all he heard was a groan.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help more back there." His voice was sad. That much she could say. "I'm so sorry, kiddo. Not quite yet."

Then the beeping was gone.



If she could, she would have sighed. Heavily.

"Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?" She chuckled to herself. "Of course, I can!" Another chuckle.

"How can a clam cram in a clean cream can?" She waited for an answer. "Guess no one knows that, huh?"

"What about?" She concentrated thinking. "Oh! What about this one?" Clearing her throat, she continued. "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? He would chuck, he would, as much as he could, and chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would if a woodchuck could chuck wood" She laughed.

"One more for the guys in the back!" she shouted. "I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!" She would probably be rolling out of bed laughing if her body could move right now.

She sighed again. Lighter this time.

And that was when she sensed it.

Someone was there with her.

"Hello?" Her head would have turned to the presence if her neck obeyed her action. "I can sense you there. I can smell you." Fuck; she forgot no one could hear her.

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