(3) Just A Walk in the Park

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It's me again!

Welcome to chapter three. I hope you're thoroughly enjoying the story so far and continue to keep reading(:
Remember to vote and/or comment(:

Picture of Torin up top. Remember, these are just how I personally picture them, you can feel free to picture them however you like :D

Xo, Emilee

Chapter Three
Just a Walk in the Park

Sera sat in the bright pink armchair in the corner of her room, staring unblinking at her bare feet.

After her and Torin found those things, they brought them back up to Oliva. Yuri had looked even pastier than before, which made Torin stop and stare, his complexion turning from sun-kissed to starch white; he looked like he was staring at a ghost. Olivia had to gently pry the vial from his hands. There was a part of Sera that doubted Olivia would be able to help Yuri, she half expected him to die on their couch, though she didn't say anything.

Instead she stood at the edge of the kitchen, staring, as Olivia came over to grab the container from her. Oliva looked at her then, "Sera," she said, her voice soft. "You should go get some rest."

Sera shook her head. "I can't go get some rest when I don't understand what's going on."

Olivia put a hand on her sisters arm. "Go get some rest, go to work. Take a breather. Then, after work we can sit down and I will tell you everything, okay?"

Now Sera nodded. "Okay." She said as Olivia gently pushed her in the direction of the stairs. Sera moved slowly, her eyes never leaving the scene in the living room, even as she walked up the stairs. Torin had moved to sit in one of the arm chairs and had seemed to somewhat regain his consciousness, though he didn't notice Sera leave.

Once Sera got to the top of the stairs, she felt tired. Her body felt heavy as she walked the short distance to her bedroom. Though once she got there she had collapsed in her chair rather than her bed.

Sera didn't know how long she had been sitting in that chair for but the abrupt blare from her cell phone still sitting on her nightstand made her start. She blinked slowly, her room coming back into focus, then realized that sunlight was pooling in through her window. Did she doze off?

Rubbing her eyes, she pushed up from the chair, her body aching. The chair was cute, but not comfortable enough for sleeping. She stretched her arms over her head then walked over to her window and peaked out. The street below her had few people moving about, a far cry from the Monday morning mayhem. Most people were probably home, still enjoying their lazy Saturday morning.

Dropping the curtain, Sera walked over to her phone, which was still blaring on her nightstand. She turned off the alarm without looking at the clock. She already knew it was eight. Work started in an hour.

Sera turned some music on on her phone then headed for the bathroom her and Olivia shared. She splashed some water on her pale face then looked at herself in the mirror; wide, slightly too close together, brown eyes stared back at her. "I agree, last night was obviously just some super lucid dream. When I go downstairs, everything will be normal."

She nodded at herself once before grabbing her hair brush and running it through her waist length, whitish hair. Next she grabbed a pony tail and stuck it on her wrist before putting on just a little bit of make-up; mascara, some blush and some colourless lip gloss. Sera preferred the natural look over caking her face, plus, she wasn't very good at it. Olivia on the other hand, applied it like a professional; she always had a full face of make-up on.

Leaving the bathroom, Sera grabbed her uniform from her closet: black jeggings and a bright orange T-shirt that had the letters TC engraved on the left side, near where the shirt sat on the collarbone. Sera quickly got dressed before grabbing her phone and moving to go downstairs.

She paused in front of her door, taking a moment to prepare herself for seeing Yuri again. She really hoped he wasn't dead.

After a few breaths, she pulled her door open and headed for the stairs. She glanced down at the living room and did a double take. Yuri wasn't on the couch anymore, though it was still a mess of blood. Sera frowned. Where was he then?

Once she reached the bottom of the stairs, she walked towards the kitchen, keeping her eyes on the couch as she moved. Where did he go?

"Your sister had me move him to her bedroom."

Sera jumped two feet into the air. She clutched a hand to her chest and whirled her head around to the kitchen. Torin was sitting on one of the bar stools, watching her. "I didn't see you there." She gasped. Her heart was racing inside her chest.

He smiled. "Sorry. You just looked confused."

Sera urged her heart to calm down. She walked into the kitchen and grabbed a apple from the fridge before sitting on a stool opposite Torin. She frowned. "So last night really happened."

Torin nodded. "Yeah. It really happened."

"Huh." Sera said. She took a bite of her apple, her eyes studying Torin. He looked exhausted. Well, he probably didn't sleep last night, Sera thought while taking another bite of her apple. Yuri's blood was dried on his jacket, darkening the material in spots, and his blonde hair was a mess, as if he had spent the morning running his hands through it.

"You're probably pretty confused." Torin said, his blue eyes seeming to look deep into her soul. It made her uncomfortable.

"Understatement." Sera murmured before saying louder, "Yeah. But Olivia promised to explain everything after I got home from work."

Torin gestured to her outfit. "I take it that's the uniform?"

Sera looked at her shirt, "Yeah. It stands for Taj's Coffee. It's a coffee shop a block away from here."

"I have never heard of it." Torin said.

Sera smiled. "It's not the most popular place but we get a lot more than just Vancouverites. A lot of tourists come through." Sera's eyes glanced at the clock, "Look, I've got to go to work but um," she looked back at him, "If you're tired my room is the last door upstairs. Beats the, um, couch."

Torin gave her a small smile. "Thanks, but I'll be fine."

Sera pushed off the stool. "Alright. But if you change your mind, the offer still stands. You can't help Yuri right now anyways," she said. "You may as well get some rest while you can."

Torin tapped the counter. His hands were still stained with Yuri's blood. "Have a good day at work."

"Thanks." Sera said as she headed for the door. She slid her feet into her black boots then bent to tie them. After, she grabbed her jacket off the hook then looked at Torin one last time before heading out the door.

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