(7) Brainstorm

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Chapter Seven

Sera rolled the vial between her fingers. She brought it up to her face and frowned. It really did move around in there. What the heck was the stuff? She looked at Yuri again, his breathing was much better but he still wasn’t waking up.
Wasn’t this stuff supposed to be like a burst of energy or something? Sera thought he should have woken up by now. Granted, she didn’t even know how much time had actually passed. It was probably only a few minutes. Though her panic and fear made time feel like it was moving at a standstill.

      What if he didn’t wake up? Would she have to leave him to go find Olivia? What if Olivia wasn’t even back at the house yet? Sera dropped her chin onto her knees
again. She couldn’t leave him alone in a alley.

      “Wake up.” She whispered, her eyes moving to the gashes in his skin. They looked back at her accusingly. She caught her lip between her teeth. There was nothing available for her to wrap them with otherwise she would do something, not like she really knew what to do but anything was better than nothing.

      If Olivia was back at the house Sera wondered how worried she was. Then she thought about how angry Olivia will be once she found out they left voluntarily and weren’t kidnapped.

      “Yuri, wake up. We gotta go.” Sera urged. Olivia may be soft spoken but when she got mad she was terrifying.

      Nothing. Not even a eyelid flutter. Sera frowned at the blood splattered on his face. Using the edge of her shirt, she didn’t like that shirt much anyways, she wiped it off, admiring his handsome face a moment before dabbing the few splotches of blood off his throat and chest.

      Once satisfied it was all gone, Sera dropped her shirt and sighed. She looked at the vial again. What would happen if she gave him more? She quickly tossed that idea. In no world was it a good idea for her to be making Alchemic decisions with no knowledge about it.

      A strong sigh escaped her lips. She was pretty sure that Yuri wasn’t going to die. So her worry was starting to disperse. Not entirely, but enough that her heart wasn’t beating like a shrews.

      Sera tapped her fingers on her knees. Really though, what was taking him so long? Why wasn’t he waking up?

      “I’m not carrying you.” Sera muttered to his unconscious body. Then a thought dawned on her. What if he was just sleeping now? He was exhausted. Maybe the Manos had done it’s job but his body was too tired to wake him up?

      Sera considered.

      “Wake up.” She said while poking him in the cheek. She poked him again, this time harder. Nothing happened. Frowning, she poked him on the tip of his nose. Then she pulled lightly on his ear. She moved to go jab him in the cheek again when his hand jolted up and grabbed her wrist.

      Sera squeaked in surprise and tugged her hand out of his grip. She looked at him accusingly, as if he had intentionally scared her. He didn’t notice her look. He was busy blinking. He groaned and pushed up so that he was sitting.

      Sera watched him curiously. She half expected him to fall over backwards again. He looked as if he just woke up from a hundred year sleep and had no idea who he was or where he was. Then, as if someone hit him in the forehead and jogged his memories, he looked at her, “Where is Markus?”

      “Gone.” She said, “Bane, too. They just disappeared.”

      “Oh.” Yuri looked at his legs, his hands were loose at his sides. Sera frowned. He looked lost.

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