Ch. 1 "Beginning"

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                                                               Sammie POV

My Name is Sammie Maximoff, I've been on my own for about a year now at first I was scared, but now I'm relishing in it, 

right now I'm running from a man I stole from, he acts like I robbed a bank all I did is take three apples, I thought 

"Get back here!" The man yelled 

"You're gonna have to catch me first old man," I said with my accent 

I cut down an alley, I see a fence I sprint faster jumping the fence to see the man stop, 

"You dam kid!" The man yelled as he shook his fist, 

"Next time old man!" I yelled running getting away, 

I'm now sitting on top of a building eating the apples I stole looking out at the city lights at night, 

You see I don't live anywhere specific I live where I want to and I love it, I take what I want when I want that is the key to surviving in this world, I thought 

I was looking out at the tower with the big "A" on it, you see I just got here a few months ago I jump around a lot which I don't mind 

When I steal I'm like the night unseen and unheard, which is great, 

you see I can turn invisible, and phase through solid objects, it's fun I thought 

"I bet that place has a lot of stuff including food," I said to myself, 

I finish my apple, 

"Looks like I found my next stop," I said 

I pulled up my hood on my hoodie and zipped it up, 

walking down the fire escape to the ground, 

I finally get to the building phasing through the doors, walking past the reception desk, into the elevator, 

I hit a random button, the door dings and see a bunch of people so I turn invisible, 

One has dark hair and dark eyes was in a suit, another had a metal arm dark hair and blue eyes, another had sandy blonde hair and blue eyes, another was a big guy with blonde hair and a giant hammer, another had glasses dark eyes and pepper hair, another was a dark man with with buzz cut, another was a red head with some what of an attitude next to her was a man with a bow 

The I saw them,

Pietro and Wanda they were alive, I thought 

I tip toed past everyone 

"Hmm that's unusual, the elevator never did that before," The man in the suit said 

they will never find me, I open the fridge 

"Umm Tony?" Someone said 

                                            Tony POV

We were celebrating drinks all around, everyone was having a good time, but then the elevator dinged and opened, 

we all look inside but no one was there, 

"Well it's never done that before," I said 

as I was looking at the Elevator, 

"Tony," Natasha said 

I turned around she nodded towards the fridge 

it was opened, 

"Some one probably left it open," I said 

"No it opened by its self," Steve said 

"Hmmm," I said 

                                         Sammie POV

Apples I love apples I grabbed a few apples closing the door, to see them staring my way I look down, 

Okay I'm still invisible I close the fridge door, 

then an arrow flew through the air pinning the apple to the wall, then the next one and next one, 

Dang it, I mumbled 

I climbed up on the counter planting both my feet on the wall trying to pull the arrow out of the wall making me fall off the counter with a thud, 

"Ouch..." I mumbled 

"Did you hear that?" The metal armed man said 

"That's Enough, Friday scan the room," The man named Tony said  

As he said that Wanda was a few feet in front of me, 

"Sir there seems to be a small child a few feet in front of Miss Maximoff," I heard a mechanical voice said 

"Wanda could you?" A voice said 

next thing I know I'm surrounded my a red forcefield, 

Uh oh, I thought 

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