Ch. 5 "Explanation"

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                                                        Sammie POV

We got back to the tower, Wanda sat me down on solid ground, they all looked at me I shyly wave at them, 

"Sammie where have you been?" Wanda asked me 

"You know here and there," I said shyly 

"Sammie?" Pietro said 

"To tell you the truth I've been jumping around, state to state, town to town," I said listing it on my fingers 

"Why?" Tony asked 

I just shrugged 

"I guess to find something," I said 

"What?" Bucky said 

"I guess somewhere to belong," I said 

"But hey, if I wouldn't have tried to steal you're food, I wouldn't have known you two were alive," I said with a smile

"So what all can you do?" Steve said 

"Oh you know I can touch my head and rub my stomach at the same time," I said 

I see Tony dying of laughter, 

"Oh man kid you are officially my favorite," Tony said 

"Or do you mean this," I said turning invisible walking next to Bucky 

"I mean I can do this and walk through solid objects," I said 

all their heads were turning to my voice 

"Sammie let us see you, you're confusing Thor," Clint said chuckling 

I turned visible again, 

"Sorry," I said with a smile

"Mr Stark-" A boy walked in and next thing I know he's inches from my face 

"Oh she's so cute!" the boy said 

"Hey don't call me cute pretty boy," I said crossing my arms sticking out my tongue

"Peter this is Sammie, she's the twins little sister," Tony said 

"Come on little blue I'm sure you're tired," Pietro said picking me up 

I nodded with that we walked out of the room,

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