Time of change

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As you and Juvia step in front of the whole guild you look at everyone before taking a deep breath. "Everyone I have something to tell you about my past" you say before taking a seat and begin to tell them your story.

Your past P.O.V

I was working with a travelling show and to be honest everything was great many kind people even though I had no magic I was accepted but all that changed when we stopped in a small town call Moriska. "Hey [Fn] can we talk a minute" the boss said as I walked over to him.

"What's up boss" I asked him before he gives me some money with a list. "We need some supplies you don't mind grabbing the stuff on this list" he asked me as I nod and ran to grab the supplies which was booze, food and fire works which didn't take me long.

*I think that's everything boss should be happy I can't wait to see all the smiles we make* I thought with a smile on my face before seeing a group of people gathering as I got closer I could see a little kid and a pregnant woman on the ground as 3 people in hoods stood over them. "Listen lady we won't hurt you as long as we can have a good time" hooded man 1 said as he reached for the woman until the kid gave him a weak punch to the jaw.

"Leave mama alone" the kid say as the hooded man 1 picks him up and punched him in the gut. "SINCE YOU WANT TO BE A HERO HOW ABOUT WE SHOW YOU WHAT HAPPENS TO HEROES" hooded man 1 shouts as he goes to kill the kid before I rush in and kick him away.

"I don't know who you are and honestly I don't really care but I don't plan to let you kill a kid as for his mother she stays with me unless you want to fight" I tell him before all 3 of them rush at me but I jump before spinning around as I kick all 3 of them. "Why don't you get lost" I say to them as then run away and I help the woman and kid to their feet before making my way to the show to set up.

After hours of setting up the rest of the crew and boss went to get a drink while I got some sleep. After a few minutes I wake up to the smell of something burning so I rush outside only to find the show on fire before getting hit in the back of the head as I fell unconscious I see the 3 guys from earlier.

After waking up I find myself chained to the truck shirt of with my back facing the town and gagged before trying to get loose only to see a group of 10 people standing behind me. "Oh good your awake your probable wondering who we are we are the dark guild Money Eyes and your in for punishment" the leader said as he was handed a dagger that glows bright red before dragging it down my back as scream try to escape to no success.

"That makes 1 only 9 more to go boy make him know never to mess with us again" he said as he wiped his dagger and walks off as the rest of his guild begins their torture after they were done they leave as I feel the tears form as time pasted before the rest of the crew come back. "[Fn] Rose get a doctor" the boss said as she runs to get a doctor while they get me down and lay me on my stomach.

After the doctor got there he patched me up and examined my wounds and told them that it was a miracle I was alive before explaining to them about the dark guild and what I did by protecting a pregnant mother and her child. After a couple of hours I wake up sore wih my body bandaged up before seeing the whole crew rebuilding the show until they all run over to me with relief on their faces.

"[Fn] I think I speak for everyone when I say you have more honour than anyone else" the boss tells me before explaining that the doctor told them about my act the other day he also told them to tell me that the woman and child are fine. Boss told me to take the day off and have a walk around town after what happened yesterday he contacted the magic council and they sent their troops to apprehend the dark guild Money Eyes which was taken to prison a couple hours ago and mad me think before heading back to the show.

I told my boss that tonight would be my last show as I was going to do some travelling of my own which he respected and so that night not only was a show of making smiles but also a fair well before they left and I began my own journey.

Your past P.O.V ends

"And so that's how I got these scars on my back but if I was asked would I do it again yes I would because it was the right thing to do" you tell them as Makarov nods while Mirajane placed a hand on your shoulder. "All I can say I'm glad you were able to survive as many of us feel like you bring smiles everywhere you go" Makarov said with a smile as I look I see the whole guild full of smiles as tears of joy form.

"Thank you everyone" I say to them as I could feel friendship in the air as I smile and join them in a drink.

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